Vachpi Boroitat
Gram Sobhent Onit
M.S; Gujrati ani bhailo lok amchea Saloichea gan-vant aileat. Te apunn sot’ten uloitat, punn ganvchea lokak gram sobhek hajir zavnk sotea na. Hem gel’le gram sobhent spoxtt zalem. Panchayat chitnnis ani her panchamni amchea eka ganv-bhavak gram sobhek hajir zavnk nakarlo. Itlench nhoi, taka zobordosten bhair dovorlo. Saloi ganvant ‘Mega Projects’ ietat tantum kitlo bhroxttachar cholta to dakoit mhunn panchayati-che vangddi bhiyele.
73rd ani 74th Amendments to the Constitution panchayatink soglli podvi dita, punn sorkar hi podvi panchayatink favo korina. Ganvchi Ievzonn (Village Plan) panchayatin suru zavnk zai, sogllea ganvchea lokak hajir dovrun ani tanchea sohokaran ticho vichar zavnk zai. Hi ganvchi ievzonn uprant sorkarak dhaddunk zai, District Plan korche khatir. Punn oxem ghoddona. Town and Country Planning (TCP) khatem atam nopoit na dekhun TCP mega projects-ank man-eotai dita, ani porvan-gi divnk ani mandun ghevnk panchayatink dhadd-ta.Hanvem chov-koxi kelea tacher mhaka oxi mahiti mell’lea - TCP kha-tean mega projects man-dun ghetoch pancha-yatin kainch korunk zaina. Panchayat Raj nitin cholunk Gõyche porjen sorkara mukhar gombhir-tayen avaz ubarcho.
Ayres Sequeira, Salvador do Mundo.
Mega Projektank lagun uchambollai
M.S;Gõyant veta thoim-sor mega project vo ievzonno korun vhoddleo- vhoddleo imaroti bandunk vavurtat. Ganvchea lokak naka zalear kiteak mhunn tosleo ievzonno cho-loitat? Kolva-Ban’navle lokan vhodde khorayen virodh kela astana-i abuzponnam kiteak? Sarpanchamni bilddaran-che ani kontradoranche lakamni duddu ghetleat zait, ani atam tankam te portun divn teo ievzonno bond korunk kalliz zaina zatolem. Hantum kosloch dubav na mhonnum ieta. Ganvchea lokak gomoi-nastana bexttinch vhoddlim ghoram bandunk porvangeo dileat. Gan-vamni asat teach lokacho hanche kodde samball korunk ani goroz teo vostu mellovn divnk ghoddona. Torui, anik bhailea lokak Gõyant bhorunk sodtat. ‘Mega Projects’ khorench nakarunk zai.
Vincent Carvalho,
Gõy Vidyapittak Kendrio dorzo divpachi ievzonn
M.S;Bharotantlea kaim Vidyapittank ‘Central’ dorzo divpachi ievzonn ubi zalea. Punn Gõychea Vidyapittak ‘Central’ dorzo dilear kitlem faideachem zatolem, koslo faido vo boreponn melltolem, Gõychea xikpeank khoinche vatten boreponn ietolem hem sogllem bariksannen topasun pollevop gorje-chem. Gõyantlea Kolejin-chea prinsipalamni boska ghevn hacher boro khol niyall korcho mhunn amchi vinonti.
Jeremias Fernandes,
Gõyant pulisen chotur ravchem
M.S; Fattlea disamni Bengllurant bomb ghalun kitleach lokacho jiv gelo ani kitloch lok zokhmi zalo. Gõyant-ui osleo vaitt ghoddnneo zavnk vell naka. Dekhun amchea pulis odhikareamni zata titli chotrai dhorun surokxeche upai ghevche mhunn lokachem sangnnem asa. Azun amchea Gõyant xanti vosta, punn xantiche dusman Gõyant-ui asat mhonnlear fott nhoi. Khoinchea-i vellar dusman aplem boll vaprit tem sangunk zaina. Loka modem veta thoim dusman-kayechem bim vompunk lagleat. Gõyant adim soglleam somudayam modem kosloch vegllozar disti poddunk naslo, punn atanch nattkayecho devchar somudayam modem futti ghalunk lagla. Chotrai dhorchi, devcharak zoitivont zavnk divchem nhoi.
John Serrao,
Goa Velha.
Ponnjent udok bhorta, kitem kortat?
M.S; Atam polle pavsa-chea kallar Ponnjechea xarant ghoddta toxem adlea kallar kednach zalolem ami pollevnk na. Ponnje Pattear vechea rostear bosi-mandda lagim chodd pavs poddtoch itlem udok bhorta ki tevxilean cholunk zaina, motoram ani motorsaikuleo sarkeoch udkan buddtat ani injinant udok bhitor sorta. Ponnjent vhoddleo- vhoddleo imaroti bandleat ani bandit asat, punn udakacheo vatto dovrunk zai mhunn atanchea izneranche toklent vochona. Udkak adleo vatto vo kanal dovorlole te porian puroileat vo tantum kochreacheo raxi bhoron udkak vhanvun vochunk vatt mellona. Dekhun Ponnjentuch nhoi, heram-i xaramni pavsachea kallar tosloch proxn asa. Hacher konnuch upai ghevnk fuddem soro-na.Ghoram bandtana udkachi vatt poili dovrunk xiddkayat.
Joao Fernandes,
Gõyant borea-vaittank asro mellta
M.S; Gõyant disandis khup vaitt zait veta, hachem karonn ekuch - nitiche kaide sarke vevharant ienant. Zaite pavtti kaide kel’le asat punn te favo te ritin chalik laitana rajki monis aplem boll vapurtat ani aplea faideak poddta toxem kortat. 2006 vorsa Moddganvam Keralachea eka kontradoran 14 vorsanchea kiriadak marun kuddiche kuddke korun Mollem vhorun purlem. Mhonntoch hea darun mon’xachem kalliz kedem tem polle, hachi amchea pulisank khobor asli kai? Tosleo kitleoch ghoddnneo Gõyant zatat,ani zait kitleo mhunn sangtolo? Atam bhirantuch. Dekhun, kaideachea odhika-reamni kaide sarke choltat vo tancho goir-vapor zata zalear pollevchem.
Noel da Costa,
Udok dhoron urta, upai korat
M.S; Hea disamni pavsachem udok zaitea vhallamni ani her-ui zageancher dhoron urlam. Tem udok chodd dis toxench urot zalear kusunk pavtolem ani tantum zollari utpon’n zatoleo. Agxe ganvant bazara laginch ek vhall asa tantum kitlech dis zale udok dhorlolem asa ani pavsachem chodd udok rosteacher bhorta. Amdar Francis Silveira-baban tem pollevchem. Tachem ghor dusre vatten urta mhonntoch to ghoddie mukhel rostear pavona zait. Ganvchea lokan tori vo tea vhalla kuxik aslolea ghoramni ravpi lokan fuddem sorun Pancha-yatik vo Amdarak kolloun-chem. Tea rosteavelean ieta-vetana kitlech dis zale hem disti poddta. Dusrem mhonn-lear tea vhallant plastika-cheo battleo potyeo ani her kitloch kochro ufeta.Vhall nitoll korcho.
Sebastiao Fernandes,
Vhoddlem Gõy.
Vachpi Boroitat
Festam amchim tim, khup pokim!
M.S; Felix P. da Cruz-ak mhoji xabaski. Ami Gõykar Festamkar - ho bes-boro niyall tannem V.Ixtt-ar amkam dilo. Orthabhorit festam korunk boreo suchovnneo tan-nem keleo. Aldonchea, Quitula Irmitint ghoddloli khobor tannem amkam ugoddli. Armosanv ani fogotteo thoddeo korun ani poixe samballun kopelant somestam khatir gayonanchim pustokam ghetlim. Hem khorench XABAS TUMKAM mhonnpachem. Fozne, armosanv, muzgacho ghonnghonn ani foren battli ugoddlear umed ieta, punn ti bhaili umed. Nizachem fest mhonnxi amchem bhavponn vadd-chem, kuskeponn-dhongiponn nittovchem, Jezu nanvan ani Tache xokten kalliz amchem ekamekak ugoddchem. Tednach fest amchem orthaborit zatelem, Borea Bapak tem mantolem. Jivitachea pustokar oslem fest somarombhlem mhunn bhangarachea okxoramni tem borovn urtolem.
Socoro Fernandes,
Vhodlem Gõy
Mandovi Pulachi bhirant, kitem kortat?
M.S; Gõychea disa-lleamni Mandovi Pula-chea khambeak 7 metram futt gelea mhunn sanglam tem aikun jivak bhirant aili, ani dor disa don pavtti amkam tea pulavlean provas korcho poddta, to moddot zalear kitem zatolem kai, oso husko rokddoch amchea monant ailo. Sorkaran atam te vixim bhov fikirin nirnnoi gheuncho poddtolo. Mandovi nodintlean minache barjeo vetat mhunn sogottuch zannot astana tachi poilich bondabost korunk zai asli. Hea pulachi poristhiti vaitt doxer pavche adim durusti korunk zata title vegim upai ghevche.
Nevil D’Souza,
Gõy samballat
M.S; Tumcho Ogr-lekh, ‘Gõyant Somajik Zome Tankam Amcho Tenko,’ V.Ixtt, Julai 12, mhaka avoddlo. Amchem xantichem Gõy atam uchambollayechem zata. Ami vinchun kaddlolo sorkar amkam fottoita.
Dusrim kortat ami-i korum-ia, hem mon amchem zalam. Gõy samballche boldek Gõychem ami nisonnton kortanv. Duddvanche axek amchea purvileamni amkam kitem samballun dovorlam tem vikun kabar kortanv, ani amchea Gõyant ami niraxi zatanv. Amchim xetam-bhattam ani dongor atam il’le-il’le nopoit zatat. Gõy atam bhaileanchem zata, punn nhoi Gõykaranchem. Amchem mon ami ek korun ekvott ghott dovrunk zai ani jitlem vait, onit, bhroxttachar Gõyant bhitor sorta tacher ami zoit vhorunk zai. Oxem ami kelear amkanch nhoi, punn amche fuddle pinddkek amchem Gõy samballunk pavteleanv.
Ayres Sequeira,
Salvador do Mundo
Bizlecheo soryeo lambtat
M.S; Gõyant kaim ganvamni bizlechea khambeancher soryeo dhil zal’leo dixtti poddtat, ani kaim zageancher transformar-anchim boksam asat thoimsor-ui soryeo lambloleo melltat. Hachi chotrai amchea disalleamni fottu ghalun dakoilea. Koslo-i obghat ghoddum ieta. Ghoddlo zalearuch Bizle Khatem upai ghetolem oxem dista vo mhonnchem poddta. Bezababdarechea mon’xank lagun osleo vostu amche modem zatat. Teo vattaunk lagu zatolea odhikareanchem kam’. Bizleche kamdar vavurtat tankanch hi zababdari dilear borem zait. Torui Panchayatin tacher fikir ghevnk zai ani vostu tharear ghalunk vavurchem. Ho amchea borea nagrikancho husko.
Antonio Fernandes,
V.Ixtt-achea borovpeank xabaski
M.S; Tumchea V.Ixtt satolleacher adim boroi-tale te Pri. Antonio Pereira, Pri. Moren de Souza, Pri. Nicolau Pereira, Pri. Antonio Francisco Souza hanche sarke bore ani fanki borovpi sompun gele, punn tanchea borovpan-cho azun amkam ugddas ieta. Zannvayechim borovpam te boroitale. Atanche borovpi Bona-venture D’Pietro, Toma-zinho Cardozo, Pri. Nevel Gracias, Felix P. da Cruz Ubaldo hanchim borov-pam bhouch ruchichim ani xikovnn divpa sarkim, tannim sodanch aplim borovpam V.Ixtt sato-lleacher borounche mhunn amchi vinonti. Pri. Almir de Souza boroitalo tem atam kiteak tannem bond kelam? Tachim-i borov-pam vachun Kristi xikovnn amkam melltali. Amchea ghorant zaitim potram-masikam ietat tim konn ruchin vachina, punn V.lxtt iena fuddem vachunk bostat. Tumchea borov-peank xabaski ditam.
Conception Lobo,
Malaria lagta chotrai dhorat
M.S; Gõyant malariachi pidda lokak lagot asa. Bholaike Seve Khatechea voizamni hacher vegim voizki upai ghevche mhonn amchi magnni asa. Adim ghoramni vokhdache fovare - spray martale, toxe atam marlole zoborxem gomo-na. Ganvamni mhellsann chodd zalea ani zollari vaddot asa. Heo zollari malaria zor ximpddaitat. Haka lagun amchea lokacher bhirant upraslea. Hea vorsamni Gõyant xembhoreamni lokak malaria zor lagot asa ani kitleach zannank falciparum zor lagla mhonn sangtat. Lokan-ui aplea ghora bhonvtim nitollkai samballunk zai. Udkachea vhallamni ani mellot tea zageancher kochro uddoitoleank xiddkavnni dilear bori. Osli zagrutai lokanuch aple modem haddpachi goroz asa.
Pedro Fernandes,
Rosteavele toktte kaddunkuch zai
M.S; Unchle Nitiso-bhechea margdorxona pormannem rosteamvele toktte kaddun uddoile tem borem zalem. Zaite pavtti hea toktteancher bemoria-dichim chitram ani nhesnnam ghalun jahirati ghaltat. Dadlea-ostorean-che bhitorlea kopddean-cheo jahirati sobhemazar ghalpachi choddxi goroz na. Bhitorle kopdde koxe ghalunk zai tem sogottuch zanno. Bemo-riadichea toktteank virodh korunkuch zai.
Joaquina Fernandes,
Gõyant onek vimantoll kiteak?
M.S; Gõyant lokak sarki bizli, udok na, tantuntlea tantum kochreacho proxn azun suttavo zaina, oxe torechim kitlinch gorje-chim kamam zainastana urleant. Gõyant anek vimantoll kiteak zai? Novem vimantoll bandunk 3000 krutt rupiancho khorch asa. Mopa ganvantli zomin dusre ievzonne khatir vaporchi. Dabollechem vimantoll Gõykarank puro, Mopa-chem vimantoll Gõykaram poros Maha-raxttrak odik faideachem zatolem.
Caridade Pereira
GMC-icho kanttalo Sorkar lojek poddlo!
M.S; Goychim tinui Sorkari hospitalam ani dusrim Bolaike Kendram-(Health Centres) khup mellim astat ani lokanche bolaikek hem chodd vaitt mhunnon Prakash Sar-dessain Niti Sobhek ulo marlolo ani choukoxi korunk maglelem. Favo te voiz nant, kaim pavtti norsi piddevontanchi sud ge-nant, mixinam moddleant konnank poddlelem nam oso tannem xinn kelolo.
Ghelea Marsa mhoineant Mumboiche Niti Sobhen hacher choukoxi korunk lailli ani atam vako vo report jahir kela to vachlear, Sorkari fuddareank mottich loz.
Khorem GMC ek vhodd hospital amchem, punn thoim veta thoim melle-ponn dista. Kottinim Sorkar poixe korchita motte-motte voiz thoim asat, tor favo ti nitollkai kiteak nam.
V. Rane, novea Bolaike Montrean poilim-poilim ili sod’pus kel’li ani amchi sorkari hospitalam sudor-tat oxem dislelem. Punn atam mesma licao, adlean chalu mhonn ugtem kollon ieta.
Aam admi Sorkar, loka khatir bhesbore upai ghetolo mhunn bhas dita, punn topasunk gelear somestanchea kannank vaingim bandta. Xi, xi .. loz hi motti, osli ollxik Goychea lokak kiteak favo zaunchi.
Socorro Fernandes
Vhoddlem Goy
‘Fuddareanchim Festam’ ogrlekh manlo
M.S; Fattle pavtt tumi ‘Fuddareanchim Festam’ hea vixoya voir tumi boroilolo ogrlekh ami ruchin vachlo ani tache vixim don utram boroin-xim dislim. Khorench ami Gõyant vhoddlea doba-jean ani ghonnghonnan igorzanchim ani Kape-lanchim festam kortanv. He dobaje fokot amche bhaile, atmik faideachem kainch disti poddona. Zor amkam atmik mon naslear ami kortanv tea festank kosloch orth aschona. Dor ganvchea vo vaddeachea askarea-chi vo askarinnichi porob ami kortanv ti zavnk zai amkam atmik faideachi. Punn azun amkam bhailoch dobazo odik manta ani ami toxem korunk axetanv. Festam ietat tednam ami fest-achea Misak zaitea padrink apoitanv, fokot amkam nanv zoddunk. Halinch Sam Pedr ani Sam Paul ani Sam Juanv him festam kelim, porom-porik mouza keli ani kitem kelem? Tea disa tin-char tori obghatachim morn-nam zalim. Konnak sukh ani konnak dukh.
Jeremias Fernandes,
Sant Cruz
Minacho Udyog konnachea faideak?
M. S; Junache 28ver, V.Ixtt-achea ankar tumi Gõyant choltolea mina-cho udyog konnachea faideacho zata te vixim bariksannen khobor dilea ti khorench gorjechi. Gõyant 60 vorsam fattim minacho udyog suru kelolo tednam Gõychea lokak bhov faideacho zalo. Zaitea lokak thoim nokreo mell’leo; kitleach lokan aplem udarposonn tea udyogantlean kelem. Punn jitlim vorsam bolan-ddun gelim ani sonvsarant novim-novim tontrik iontram toyar zalim tednam thavn minachea komponeamni kamda-rank nikllaun tim iontram haddlim, komponechim kamam soddsoddit zavnk laglim. Disandis khupuch vegllem disunk laglem. Atam ho dhondo soglloch poriavoronnacher vaitt haddta, mon’xache bholaikecher-ui mar gha-lta. Poriavoronn mon’xak chodd gorjechem, tem ibadd zalear mon’xa-chean anik jiyeunk zaunchem na. Tumi osleo khobro divn odhikarean-che dolle ugoddche. Hem kortana tumcher-ui ghod-die mar poddtolo, punn porva korchi nhoi.
Nicholas Fernandes,
‘Sam Juanv-ak okman’ lekh avoddlo
M.S; Tomazinho Cardozo hannem ‘Polloilam Tem Boroilam’ hea mathallea khal veg-vegllea vixoyan-cher lekh boroita tem amkam khup avoddta. Fattle pavtt tannem ‘Sam Joao-ak Okman’ hacher boroila. Koxe porim bhurge ani mouz kortole lok bayamni uddkeo marun piyevpachem udok mhellem kortat, Sao Joao-achem fest lagim pavtana disallim potram kitlech ‘advertisement’ uzvaddaitat tem polleyat mhunn Tomazinho baban aplea lekhant suchoilam. Khorench, hea festachea nanvan dhondekar duddu kortat. “Mrs. Sao Joao ani Mr.Sao Joao” osle toktte ghalun jahirateo potran-cher distat. Oslem pollevn ami Kristanvam ogim ravtanv, konnuch hacher nixedh marina. Oslea vostuncher ami rokddoch nixedh marunk zai. Hem sogllem cholta Gõyant, bhaileam bhonvddekarank oddun haddchea hetun. Mr. ani Mrs. Sao Joao oxem mhonnpacher Krist-anv borovpeamni nixedh marcho.
Tome Carvalho,
Iskolamni lingi xikxonn gorjechem
M. S; Halinchea vorsamni amchi tornni pillgi khuinche-i dixen veta tem pollelear akant ieta. Atam sonvsar sudorla mhonn-tat. Hea sudarlolea sonv-sarant mon’xachem mon odik korun tornna-tea chedde cheddvanchem jivitacher vaitt probhav vo ‘influence’ poddpacheo vostu hatant poddot asat. Kompiutor ani ‘internet’ itlem faideachem ani sevechem asa, tache vorvim kitlinch kamam suddsuddayen korum ietat. Punn dusre vatten internet-ar pozoddponna-chim chitram ani fottu disti poddtat, tanche vorvim bhurge ani bhurgim vaitt rostear pavunk xoktat. Dekhun iskolamni adinch tankam linga vixim borem xikxonn dilolem zalear borem zatolem aslem-xem amkam dista. Kitem vaitt ani kitem borem hachi tornnateank vollokh divop chodd gorjechem.
Frederick Mendonsa,
Moddganv akantacheo ghoddnneo
M.S; Hea disamni Moddganv xarant chodd bhirankull ghoddnneo zavnk lagleat. Montir torsadi ani her hatiaram mell’leant mhonnlear chodd bhirantichi gozal. Haka lagun lokacher boroch akant aila. Amche pulisen mat chotrayen dolle dovorpachi goroz asa. Gõyant akantvadi ani ugrvadi bhitor sorlole asat. Te khoinchea-i vellar koslo abghat kortit tem sangunk zaina. Disandis Gõy amchem choranchea ani markoranchea hatamni poddot veta. Devanuch tem samballunk zai. Gundda Gõyant ievnk poile amche rajkoronni zababdar asat. Kiteak, sangtat te pormannem rajkornni mon’xamni apnnak rakhunk vo aplea add asa taka domaunk vo nattak korunk bhailea gunddank Gõyant haddleat mhunn sang-lolem aikolam. Hachi khatri konn sodta zalear rajkoronneanch kodde melltoli.
Vincent Carvalho,
Dhormanchi vollokh diunchi
M.S; Abrilache 26ver V. Ixtt-acher Pio Esteves baban “Amche Dhorm’ ani Xikovnn” mathallea khal boroilolem borovp hanvem vachlem . Musolman dhormachi vollokh diun, bhes-borem kam’ kelem. Ami Kristanv Hindu ani Musolman ekvottan jiyetanv, Gõyant xanti asa, dhormam modem kosloch vegllochar na. Mhonntoch, dor eka dhormache porbanchi, tanche poromporechi oxe toren borovn mahiti diunchi. Musolman dhormache Ramdana vellar koxe upas kortat, ostoreo mosjidant kiteak vochonant hache vixim tumi mahiti dilear borem zatelem aslem.
Manuel Fernandes, Kutt’tthalle.
Sigrettincher chodd kor ghalcho
M.S; Dor vorsa sonvsa-rant ‘Anti-Tobacco Day’ monoitat, ani loka modem sigretti voddpacher vo fuskavpacher add zagru-tai nirmann kortat. Punn tancher bondi ghalpacher konnakuch xokti zaina. Sigrettint eka jin’sacho vikhar asa, to mon’xa-chem jivit sarkem mornnak pavoita. Hea vikhari podarthak lagun kitlo lok morta tem sangunk zaina. Jevnna-khannacheo vostu disandis mharog zait vetat; sigrettincher sorkaran chodd kor lagu kelear ghoddie il’lem boreponn iet kai?
John Serrao,
Konn laitat, konn katortat?
M.S; Gõyant fattlea vorsamni vanamautsov monoitale ani zhaddan-cheo rompeo, follanchim garfam laitale, punn atam kaim zageancher zhaddam katrun uddovpa-cho utsov cholta mhonnlear fott zaunchi na. Zaiteam zageancher lokan lailolim zhaddam boltech monis yeun katrun uddoitat. Hem polleun dukh dista. Zhaddam katrun amkam kainch vaitt zainaxem dista, punn jem vaitt amkam zata tachi amkam khoboruch asona. Zhaddam ani nisorg mhonnlear mon’xa-che pulmanv. Zoxe pulmanv mon’xak jiyeunk adar ditat, favo titlem prann-vayu ditat toxim amchim zhaddam chodd molachem kam’ korit asat. Dekhun zata titlim zhaddam lavnchim.
Nila Naik,
Adli GMC atam Sôd Kendr korchem
M.S; Ponnje xarantli Gõy Voizki Kolejichi adli imarot aiz rikami zaloli asa. Hi Asientli poili voizki kolej, tantum kitle nanv voste voiz zaun bhair sorleat; aiz hi imarot Gõychea daizacho ek vantto, ti imarot rikami sanddunk favona. Tantum Xon’sodan Kendr (Research Centre) ugoddlear chodd faidea-chem zatolem aslem, oxem mhaka dista. Toxech, Gõy Vidyapitta-che kitlech toreche vibhag asat, tosle-i thoim ghalum ietale. Hi iedi vhoddli imarot ibadd zaunk diunchi nhoi, punn ticho boro upyog korcho. Oslench anik-ui itihasik daiz asa tacho-i faido kaddcho mhunn magnni.
Noel D’Souza,
Goyant-ui Maramari, loka modem duspott
M.S; Halinch Moddganv xarant don pongddam modem kizilam zaun chodd maramari zaleo ani akh’khem Moddganv xarant kollkollo suttlo. Kitlinch lozam foddlim, kitleach vostuncho ani mhalacho ibadd kelo. Lhanxim kestanvam korun zhuzam suru kortat. Somazache dusman hem kam’ nettan choloitat, borea mona-chea mon’xamni aplem borem utor ghalun uchambollai chodd zaun-che poilinch xanti haddpache upai vaprunk goroz. Punn oxem korunk konnuch kallji ghena. Hakach lagun amcher upraslole dusman aplem boll vapurtat tancher pulisen chotrai dhorchi. Loka modem futt ghalun boro vavr fattim uddovpa-cheo tanchi ievzonn hi.
Joao Crasto,
Sigrettink lagun kankr vaddta
M.S; Vixv Bholaike Songhottnneche khobre pormannem, sonvsarant dor vorsa sigrettink lagun 5 milhanv odik lok morta.
Sigretti voddtoleank chodd kankrachi pidda zaunk pavta mhunn voizamni kel’lea obheasa vorvim gomun ailam. Veta thoimsor kolejimni ani iskolamni porian lhan-lhan bhurge sigretti voddlole disti poddtat. Tankam avoi-bapain sigrettinchea vaittachi vollokh divpachi chodd goroz asa. Punn atanchea avoi-bapaik aplea bhurgeank dekh-rit xikovpak ani borea-vaittachi xikovnn divnk velluch na. Tim apleach sonvsari kamamni budd-lolim asat. Oxem zaunk favo naslem. Sigretti voddun kuddik kitleo pidda zatat tem sangun bhur-geank zagrut korchim.
Denzil Rocha,
Teknikal xikxonn vaddounchem
M.S; Amchea iskolamni xikxonn mellta tem nokreank upkarta toslem zalear sangunk kotthin lagta. Karonn amche bhurge xikun pas zatoch nokreo mellunk borench avgodd zata. Gõyant karkhanne asat tantum upkartat tosle kamdar amchea tornnateam modem tankam mellonant mhunn te sangit asat. Dekhun atam amchea iskolamni zata titlea udyogank vo kar-khanneank upkarta tos-lem xikxonn diunk vavur-chem. Mhonnge, teknikal xikop gorjechem. Aiz-kal tornnateank klarikal nokreo mellunk zobor avgodd. Torui astana amchea iskolamni chodd-xe klarikal nokrean-chech kamdar toyar zatat. Hangasor favo tosle kamdar mellonant mhunn karkhanneache dhoni Gõyam bhailea lokak Gõyant kamak haddtat.
Haka konn guneanvkari?
V. Fernandes,
Mandovi pulacher ieradari
M.S; Mandovi pul don-ui vattanche ieradarik ugto kela tem odhikareamni chodd borem kelam. Pula kodde Ieradariche Pulise-chi Interceptor jip asloli disti poddta. Mhonntoch, vahanam choloitoleank xiddkavnni zata. Punn ek pavtt thoimsorli ‘Interceptor’ jip vetoch vahanam magir att-patt, dhor mhoji fatt korun rosten dhanvtat, konn-konn overtake korun vetat. Haka lagun obsoeg ghoddum ieta. Dekhun, pulachea don-ui bazumni ieradarichim sinalam (signals) ghalchim, speed limit dakounchi, pulacher overtake korunk addvarchem, toxench soglleam disalleam ani satolleam potrancher ieradariche kaide ani sinalanchi mahiti divpi jahirateo porgott korcheo. Konn-ui he kaide moddta tachem cholovpachem lisens kaddun gheunchem. Na tor konn porva korchona.
Jose Damiao Costa,
Sant Annachê Igorjêchea vavrak survat
M.S; Fattlea vorsachea pavsan Sant Annachê Igorjêchi poristhiti borich perigachi asli ani soglleank ticho usko aslo. Itli nazuk 17vea xek-ddeantli igorz moddon vochot mhunn bhirant distali. Ti Igorz Gõychea purvilea daizacho ek vantto. Kamat sorkaran ti sarki korunk upai ghetle mhonn vhodd xabaski favo. Arkivak ani Arkiliojik toxench heru-i sonv-sthank zannim he purvile kolechi vorixtt imarot samballunk fuddem sorle mhonn amche vhodd upkar ani dhin’vas. Ho vavr veginch somptolo ani bore toren zatolo mhonn amkam khatri asa.
Thomas Fernandes,
Hospiciont meloleancheo kuddi bhair dovortat?
M.S; Jivea mon’xak man asa titloch melolea mon’xache kuddik-ui ami man divpachi goroz asa. Hem sangtam kiteak Hospicioche ‘morgue’ bhoron tantum zago nam. Dekhun meloleo kuddi bolkanvant dovorloleo pollevnk borem disonk nam. Dekhun Hospitala-chea odhikareamnim upai ghevche. Zaite pavtti koslo-i marekar prosong uprasta ani oxem ghoddum yeta ti gozal veglli. Meloleancheo kuddi bhair dovrunk favonam. Chodd kall-ui dovrunk favonam. Morgint konnachi-i kudd chodd kall urlear te kuddi vixim nirnnoi ghevcho ani te kuddicher nim’nne sonvskar korche.
Navis de Souza,
Open schools gorjechim
M.S; Dor vorsa hozara-mnim bhurgim barave-chea ani dhavechea porikxank bostat ani xemboreamnim bhurgim porikxa napas zatat ani magir niraxiponn ghevn iskolak anik vocho-nant. Osleam bhurgeank khorench ‘open school’ ek boro upai. Tankam vho-ddilamnim xikop soddi-nam zavnk adar divcho. Xikop nastanam aichea somazant kiteakuch upkaronam. SSC mhonn-lear kainch nhoi, ‘open school’-am bhurgeank pas zavnk khup adara-chim. Kerimchea-i ganvant oslem iskol asa tem Peddnnechea napas zaloleam bhurgeank khup faideachem. Heam isko-lamnim vochun bhurgean-chean nhoich SSC, punn 12vi legun korum yeta.
Patrick Fernandes,
Udkachim tollim samballchim
M.S; Gõyant zaiteam ganvamnim adlim udka-chim tollim asat. Adlea kallar Gõyant bhorpur pavs poddtalo ani tim tollim vorosbhor udkan bhorlolim astalim. Punn atam team tolleamnim udok nam zavn tim sukleant. Sukunk ek mottem karonn asa, tem mhonnlear team tollean-chi konnuch vaspus korinam. Tim matien purovleant ani taka kholai nam zavn tantum pavsa-chem udok dhoronam. Hanvem adim kitlech pavtti hacher lokx ghalchem mhonn borovn suchoilam, punn konnen-ch kan halounk nam. Hea tolleanchea udkan xim-pun amchea adlea lokan kitlem varvem, bhaji-palo, vaingonn lavn utpadon kelam. Aiz amkam sog-llem posreamvelem ani Belganvchem verdur ani her jinos yetat. Hem sogllem duddu asa mho-nntoch aitench mell’lem. Punn tem sogllem kal-porchem hachi konn porva korinam. Tollim uspun kholavchim. Hem kam’ Panchayatin korchem.
William Rodrigues,
PTA-cho koslo faido?
M.S; Iskolamnim Parents-Teachers Associations ghoddlolim asat. Heo songhottnna bhur-geanchea boreponnam khatir ghoddleat, avoy-bapain apleam bhur-geanchea xikpachi vavra-chi khobor ghevchea hetun. Punn kitlim avoy-bapui aplea bhurgean-chea xikpa vixim chotur asat zait? Aple bhurge vhoddle zaleat, tanchi kiteak ami khobor ghevchi, oslem mon bhitor sorlam. Hem sarkem nhoi, avoy-bapain apleam bhurgeanchi iskolamnim, kolejimnim vochun prinsipala vo xikovpeam kodde khobor ghevnkuch zai. Bhurgim vaddtat tednam tankam vhoddi-lanchi chodd goroz asa; hem monant dhorunk zai. Bhurgim porikxek napas zatoch dukhi zavn koslo faido? Hanv kednam kednam-i iskolant vochun khobor ghetam, toxem kelear sarkem gomta.
Flavia Mendes,
Sigaram add dis
M.S; Dor vorsa Ekvottit Raxttranchi Songhottnna Mayache 31ver tobacco vo sigaram add dis sonvsarbhor monoita. Bharotant 14 tok’ke xikpi sigaram fuskaitat mhonn odmas asa. Sonvsarant mortat tea loka modem 10 zann sigarank lagun mortat mhonn sangtat. Iskolak vetole lhan bhurge porian sigaram voddunk lagtat, tankam avoy-bapaichem ani xikov-peanchem margdorxon-achi goroz asa. Ekuch dis kariavolli keleo ani ulovpam kelim mhonn faideak poddpachem nam. Dekhun bhurgeank voros-uibhor tankam sigaram voir bariksannen somzonni divnk zai ani sigaram voddun kitlem vaitt zata tachi vollokh dilear borem zatolem.
Guilherme Carvalho,
Kazareanche proxn vaddtat
M.S; Atanchea sudarlolea kallar kazari ghov-bailanchim kizilam vaddot asat, dogam-i modem somjikayen proxn suttave korunk upai ghenant. Somjikai ani sosnnikai nam zavn ghorabeamnim duspott zata. Ghoravi zhuzam 50-60 vorsanchi legun kuxin ravnk sodtat. Gõyant kuttumb seva kendr cholta, Pri. Socorro Mendes oslo vavr boro korta. Tacho adar ghevn somjikayen survatekuch proxn suttave korunk vavurchem. Oddchonnek sampoddloleamnim vo tankam adar ditoleamnim bori vatt dakounchi. Ganvamnim somudai asat.Hea somudayamnim aplea vaddeantlea ghorabeank adar dilear vaitt zavpachem bond zatolem aslem.
Martha de souza,
Koslem sudarop korchem?
M.S; Gõyant ghoram imaroteo bandpacher ganv-ganvcho lok chodd tapla ani sorkaracher kolpola dekhun amcho mukhel montri Digambar Kamat sudarop korunk eke toren naka zalear dusre toren koxem korchem tem sanginant mhonnta. Punn lok anik kitem sangtolo? Gõyant amche dongor ani zhaddam katrun ximitta-cheo imaroti bandun kelolem sudarop naka. Amkam zai amchea tornnateank nokreo mell-pachem sudarop, porya-voronnacher add vocho-nant tosle karkhanne zai. Gõychi lok-vosti vaddta mhunn sangtat. Punn hi lokvosti bhailea lokachi hangasor yevn ravlolean-chi. Ganvam-ganvamnim ‘developers’ yevn amchea lokak fottoitat ani apunn girest zavn vetat. Oslem sudarop amkam naka.
John Serrao,
Gram Sobhank xabaski!
M.S; Gõychea kaim ganvcheam Gram Sobhank hanv xabaski ditam; teo atam zagrut zaleat toxeo her-ui ganvcheam gram sobha-mnim zagrut zavchem mhunn ulo martam. Hoch vell, atanch ami koddok ravlear borem zatolem, nam tor bhaile yevn hangasor dada zatole. Amcheam bhurgeank te lekhchenant. Khorench, Gõykar-ui eka vellar bhailea ganvamnim gel’le punn tannim aplem kam’ korun sust ravle. Tannim kednach Gõyant cholta tosli dadagiri konna lagim thoim korunk nam. Dekunuch Gõykaramnim borem nanv zoddlam. Chotray dhorat, Gõyant ‘mega-projects’ yevnk dium nakat, nam zalear fostoleat.
F. Fernandes,
Karvar Gõyak zoddpachi yevzonn
M.S; Halinch potramnim khobor dilolea porma-nnem amcho Montri bab Churchill Alemaõ Karvaracho zil’lo amchea Gõyant vilin korunk yevzonn manddta ti kitlea faideachi zatoli tem amkam konn sangtolo? Karvarchea ani Gõychea lokachi sonskrutay ekuch mhunn to sangta. Punn pollevnk gelear Karvar-karam ani Gõykaram modem kitlo ekmell asa to ogllo unno disun yeta. Gõychench karbar sarkem cholonam ani fuddarak Karvar vilin kortoch kitem zatolem? Goroz tench korunk amdaramnim vavurchem.
Patrick Fernandes,
Akantvad nivarunk zagrutay zay
M.S; Bharotant veta thoimsor akantvadacheô ghoddnneô zatat. Halinch Jaipur bomb-sfott korun kitlech zann mele ani kitlech zann zokhmi zale mhunn ami potrancher tor vachlam. Atanchea kallar akantvadi chodd vaddleat, lokacho jiv kaddop tancho sontos zala. Gõyant-ui akantvadacheô ghoddnneô zait mhunn Gutpchar Khatean xidd-kavnni dilea. Dekhun pulisên he vixim il’li oglli fikir ghevnk zay. Modd-ganv relvê sthanar darvon-ttear lôk detective door asa tantlean vochonas-tanam dusrech vatten yeta-vetat. Oslea loka-cher pulisên chotray dovrop gorjêchi. Kosli-i vaitt ghoddnni zatoch magir upay ghetole mhunn ravtat gay? Gõyant yevn lipchoriam ravtat, pulisên chotrayên pollevchem.
Luis Mascarenhas,
Renv kaddun dorya bhitor sorta
M.S; Gõyant veta thoimsor gorje bhair imaroti bandpacho vavr cholta. Heam banda-vollink material zay to khoincho haddtole? Ho vichar ami korpacho. Ghoram bandunk ximi-ttuch puro mhonnlear zainam, taka renv-ui zay. Hi renv veta thoimsor dorya vellancher ti kaddun vhortat ani dorya vello kobar kortat, somdira-chem udok ganvant bhitor sorunk laglam; magir ganvant budd’tteô aileo mhunn bôbô martat. Soimban apleo ximo purvim kallar thavn tharailoleo asleo teo atam monis aplea moste-ponnan ani gorvan bhoron nisonnton korta dekhun atam soimb mon’xacher kolpolam ani kolpota. Tori amche dolle azun ugddo-nant. Bharotantleam zaiteam rajyamnim soimbacheo durgho-ttnnam uprastaleo punn Gõyant mat toslem kainch zavnk naslem. Punn kosli-i vaitt durghottnnam vo gho-ddnni zait zalear ti amcheach guneanvan zatoli mhunn ami monant dhorunk goroz. Peddnnem talukênt nodintli renv kaddpacho vavr mottea nettan cholta. Hacho porinnam’ atam disonam zalear kednam tori disti poddtoloch. Dekhun ho vavr bond korchoch poddtolo. Vaitt ghoddnneo zatat tednam nennar ani gorib lok luskonn bhogta, girest ani astig lok sust asta.
Sabina Furtado,
Imarotinchea sondasanchem udok bayamnim
M.S; Gõyant ganvam- ganvamnim vhoddleo-vhoddleo imaroti bandtat tache sondas astat; heam itleam sonda-sanchem mhellem udok khoim vetolem? Dubava viret udok zomnint jirtolench. Dispott’tem udok zomnint jirta tem magir lokachea baya-mnim pazortolem ani lokacheo bayom kusto-leo. Bambolle foujechea sondasanchem udok jirun Merxeche zhorint pavun zhorichem udok ibadd zalam mhonntat toxem bayanchem-i udok kus-tolem. Hacher konnem tori chintlam zait? Jeo imaroti bandtat ani bhailea lokak haddun Gõyant bhortat tacho kitlo vaitt porinnam’ Gõychea lokacher kitlo zatolo tem zanno tumi? Oslim sabar torechim vaittam Gõykarancher uprastolim ani magir kosloch upay aschonam. Chintat.
Joseph Fernandes,
Santanchi Igorz moddot vetoli
M.S; Tisvaddêntlea Santana ganvchi vorixtt ani nazuk igorz moddon poddtoli ani purvili kola padd zatoli mhunn ugddas korcho poddta. Fattlea vorsa pavsan tiche fator konsllun poddlole tednam odhikari yevn pollelem ani durust korpacho potrancher il’lo boball kelo; punn uprant soglle jhemele ani nhidle. Atam hea vorsacho pavs suru zavpachê vattêr asatanam tannim te igorjechea kamak hat ghala. Itli nazuk kolên bandloli igorz moddon poddlear kitlem luskonn zatolem tem fokot itihas zanno tankanch somzota. Kiteak amchi itli besar-may zata tench chintunk avgodd. Konsllunk laglear ti sarki korpak kottin zatolem.Dekhun, tannim hatant ghetlolo vavr atam favo te torenuch korcho mhunn amchim magnnim.
Thomas Fernandes Santana
Kochreak zago nam?
M.S; Gõyant itlo lôk vaddla ani vaddot asa, titlo hea lokacho kochro-i vaddot veta. Punn aplo kochro kaddun rostean-cher ani vhallamnim uddovnk favonam. Kitloch lok aplo kochro haddun motoramnim vetanam rosteanchea degancher uddoytat. Hem ek mottem odruxtti kortub. Gõyant hea fuddem kochreacho proxn anik suttavo zaitso nam koso dista. Ami dor eklean ap-aplea kochreacho proxn suttavo korpachi goroz asa.
Joaquim Correia,
Gõyant pulisecho unnav kiteak?
M.S; Gõyant pulisancho unnav asa mhunn aikun amkam vegllench dislem. Oxem zalear nagrikanchi surokxa koxi zatoli? Disan-dis Gõyant kosle-kosle sobhavache monis bhitor sortat tem konnacheanuch sangunk zainam. Fattleam disa-mnim Ponnje, Moddganv xaramnim kitleoch chorio zaleo, anik zait kitleo tem konn zanno? Ratcho paro korunk pulis odhikareanchi goroz asa. Pulisamnim promannik-ponnan aplem kam’ korunk goroz.
Peter Fernandes,
Porbim ani Xabaski V.Ixtt-ak
M. S; Fattlea V.Ixtt-ar fuddlea panar tumi, amchea mannkulea V. Ixtt potracho Omrut Utsov somarombhtat mhonn fuddlea panacher amontronn dhaddlam tem ami vachlem ani vhodd khoxalkay bhogli. Hanv bhurgeponnar thaun Vavraddeancho Ixtt vachit ailam. Khorench ek potr odik korun amchim Katolk toxench Konknni potram cholovnk borench kottin zata, tankam advertisement mellonant, te tor mell’lole zalear adar zatolo aslo. Amche Gõykar porian Konknni potram soddun Inglez potrancher aple advertisement porgott’tat. Tiatrist porian Inglez potrancher ghaltat; oxem kelear Konknni potr koxem jivem urum yeta.
Xabaski tumkam ani Pilarche Sonvsthek, ti apleam vangddeam vorvim V.Ixtt potr samballta. Amchim tumkam porbim.
Caridade de Souza,
Lokak fottoun duddu ghetat
M. S; Thodde chor daram foddun bhitor sortat ani chorun vhortat ani kaim chor ratche nam tor disache atak korun chortat. Punn atam onek toreche chor amche modem ubzoleat, te bore nhesun yetat ani apunn gorjek sampoddla vo anik kitem tori bhulovpacheo gozali sangun kitlech zannank nagoileat. Amchea lokan chotur ravnk zai. Heam disamnim ani osleo gozali ganvam-ganvamnim ghoddloleo aikoleat. Konnakuch lagim dhorcho nhoi. Zaiteam zannanche hozaramnim duddu vheleat. Onollkhi monis khoro, punn to boltech toren ollokh dakhoita. Apun omkea-cho soiro, apunn tujea omkea-omkea mon’xak ollkhotam mhonn sangun fottoitat. Osleam mon’xank pulise kodde divche, ani pulisamnim lokachi surokxa korunk zai.
Santan Rodrigues,
Keri-Tirakol Pul Bandcho
M.S; Tirakol ganvantlea lokan Keri-Tirakol pul bandcho mhonn maglam. Ho ekuch vaddo Keriche Panchayaticho nodi poltoddi urta. He vatten bhovxik yeradari nam zavn lokak borech tras zatat. Hea lokak ekuch feribott asa. Tirakolchea lokak bazarak vochunk Peddnneam poros Maha-raxttrant odik lagim poddta. Sorkari kamam khatir ani bhurgeanchea xikxonna khatir Pedd-neam nam tor Mhapxeam yevchem poddta.
Dekhun Keri-Tirakol pul bandunk chodd gorjechem ani amche odhikari hem kam’ veginch kortole ani Tirakolchea lokak ek dennem koxem ho pul zatolo mhonn axa ballgitam.
Agnel de Souza,
V.Ixtt-ak Omrut Utsovachim porbim
M. S; V.Ixtt-achea fattlea ankar tumchem amon-tronn vachun ami chodd ani chodd khoxi zaleanv. Ek potr, odik korun Konknni potr 75 vorsam porian jivem urop mhollear ek vhoddlem ojapuch. Hanvuch zanno te pormannem Vavra-ddeancho Ixtt satollea vangdda ani tache uprant choltalim tim sogllim Konknni potram morot gelim; punn ho Vavra-ddeancho Ixtt aiz legit jivo urla. Nhoi anik kiteak bogor taka Povitr Sobhecheam Vhoddilan-cho axirvad asa ani atam itlim vorsam Pilar Sonvsthechea-i vhoddi-lamnim taka soglo tenko dila mhonn gomta. Devak argam ani tumkam sompadpeak ani adari vavurpeank toxench hanv mhojim porbim pattho-itam. Adlea kallar Gõychea Mha-Gonvlli Bapache-i sondex yetale mhonn mhaka ugddas asa; te Purtugez bhaxen astale punn tachem bhaxantor-ui ditale, konn Purtugez nokllo tankam vachunk sompem zata-lem. Atam oslem kaim yena zait ghoddie Diosezan Masik Renova-cao uzvadda yeta. Torui astanam Konknni potrak amchea Mha- Gonvlli Bapan kednam kednam-i aple sondex, Renovacao-cher porgott’tat te porian hea V.Ixtt-acher porgott korunk tannim dhaddlole zalear khup vachpean-chea faideak poddtolem aslem. Anik ek pavtt tumkam porbim ditam ani V. Ixtt sodanch jivo urcho mhunn mhojem nomr magnnem.
Joaquim Sequeira,
V.Ixtt-ak Porbim ani dennim
M. S; V.Ixtt-a vorvim amkam Omrut Utsovachem amontronn pavlem. Amchem opurbayechem V. Ixtt potr 1944 vorsa thaun Pilar suru zalam mhonn hanv somzotalim. Tednam hanv lhan aslim, punn mhoji maim Vavraddeancho Ixtt hem char pananchem potr ghetali, ami tem sodanch vachtaleanv. Tacher zaite motte padri zaum dotor artig boroitale. Ami tor Purtugez noklo asleanv mhonntoch tem vach-pachem soddun Konknni asat teo khobro ruchin vachtaleanv. Hem ekuch Katolk potr amkam mantalem. Dusrim potram aslim punn ami titlim tim ghenasleanv.
Hea vorsa taka 75 vorsam bhortat mhonn aikun khoxalkai bhogli, kiteak fuddlea vorsa mhaka-i Devan dovorli zalear 75 vorsam bhortolim. Hem monant dhorun V.Ixtt-acho ani mhozo Omrut Utsov folladik zavnk 15 nove suskridor dhaddunk hanvem tharailam; nam tor mhoje thaim ghoddta te porim V.Ixtt-achea fundak mhajea hatantlean ful na paklli bhettoitolim. Tumkam borem magtam ani porbim ditam.
Candida Mendonsa,
Tuvem amkam adar bhasailoi mhonn tuka ami chodd ani chodd Dev Borem Korum mhonn-tanv. Khorench amkam tujeam osleam sohokareanchi chodd goroz. Tum Borem vachop vistarpi mhonnum yeta.- Sompadpi.
Festam amchim tim, khup pokim!
M.S; Felix P. da Cruz-ak mhoji xabaski. Ami Gõykar Festamkar - ho bes-boro niyall tannem V.Ixtt-ar amkam dilo. Orthabhorit festam korunk boreo suchovnneo tan-nem keleo. Aldonchea, Quitula Irmitint ghoddloli khobor tannem amkam ugoddli. Armosanv ani fogotteo thoddeo korun ani poixe samballun kopelant somestam khatir gayonanchim pustokam ghetlim. Hem khorench XABAS TUMKAM mhonnpachem. Fozne, armosanv, muzgacho ghonnghonn ani foren battli ugoddlear umed ieta, punn ti bhaili umed. Nizachem fest mhonnxi amchem bhavponn vadd-chem, kuskeponn-dhongiponn nittovchem, Jezu nanvan ani Tache xokten kalliz amchem ekamekak ugoddchem. Tednach fest amchem orthaborit zatelem, Borea Bapak tem mantolem. Jivitachea pustokar oslem fest somarombhlem mhunn bhangarachea okxoramni tem borovn urtolem.
Socoro Fernandes,
Vhodlem Gõy
Mandovi Pulachi bhirant, kitem kortat?
M.S; Gõychea disa-lleamni Mandovi Pula-chea khambeak 7 metram futt gelea mhunn sanglam tem aikun jivak bhirant aili, ani dor disa don pavtti amkam tea pulavlean provas korcho poddta, to moddot zalear kitem zatolem kai, oso husko rokddoch amchea monant ailo. Sorkaran atam te vixim bhov fikirin nirnnoi gheuncho poddtolo. Mandovi nodintlean minache barjeo vetat mhunn sogottuch zannot astana tachi poilich bondabost korunk zai asli. Hea pulachi poristhiti vaitt doxer pavche adim durusti korunk zata title vegim upai ghevche.
Nevil D’Souza,
Gõy samballat
M.S; Tumcho Ogr-lekh, ‘Gõyant Somajik Zome Tankam Amcho Tenko,’ V.Ixtt, Julai 12, mhaka avoddlo. Amchem xantichem Gõy atam uchambollayechem zata. Ami vinchun kaddlolo sorkar amkam fottoita.
Dusrim kortat ami-i korum-ia, hem mon amchem zalam. Gõy samballche boldek Gõychem ami nisonnton kortanv. Duddvanche axek amchea purvileamni amkam kitem samballun dovorlam tem vikun kabar kortanv, ani amchea Gõyant ami niraxi zatanv. Amchim xetam-bhattam ani dongor atam il’le-il’le nopoit zatat. Gõy atam bhaileanchem zata, punn nhoi Gõykaranchem. Amchem mon ami ek korun ekvott ghott dovrunk zai ani jitlem vait, onit, bhroxttachar Gõyant bhitor sorta tacher ami zoit vhorunk zai. Oxem ami kelear amkanch nhoi, punn amche fuddle pinddkek amchem Gõy samballunk pavteleanv.
Ayres Sequeira,
Salvador do Mundo
Bizlecheo soryeo lambtat
M.S; Gõyant kaim ganvamni bizlechea khambeancher soryeo dhil zal’leo dixtti poddtat, ani kaim zageancher transformar-anchim boksam asat thoimsor-ui soryeo lambloleo melltat. Hachi chotrai amchea disalleamni fottu ghalun dakoilea. Koslo-i obghat ghoddum ieta. Ghoddlo zalearuch Bizle Khatem upai ghetolem oxem dista vo mhonnchem poddta. Bezababdarechea mon’xank lagun osleo vostu amche modem zatat. Teo vattaunk lagu zatolea odhikareanchem kam’. Bizleche kamdar vavurtat tankanch hi zababdari dilear borem zait. Torui Panchayatin tacher fikir ghevnk zai ani vostu tharear ghalunk vavurchem. Ho amchea borea nagrikancho husko.
Antonio Fernandes,
V.Ixtt-achea borovpeank xabaski
M.S; Tumchea V.Ixtt satolleacher adim boroi-tale te Pri. Antonio Pereira, Pri. Moren de Souza, Pri. Nicolau Pereira, Pri. Antonio Francisco Souza hanche sarke bore ani fanki borovpi sompun gele, punn tanchea borovpan-cho azun amkam ugddas ieta. Zannvayechim borovpam te boroitale. Atanche borovpi Bona-venture D’Pietro, Toma-zinho Cardozo, Pri. Nevel Gracias, Felix P. da Cruz Ubaldo hanchim borov-pam bhouch ruchichim ani xikovnn divpa sarkim, tannim sodanch aplim borovpam V.Ixtt sato-lleacher borounche mhunn amchi vinonti. Pri. Almir de Souza boroitalo tem atam kiteak tannem bond kelam? Tachim-i borov-pam vachun Kristi xikovnn amkam melltali. Amchea ghorant zaitim potram-masikam ietat tim konn ruchin vachina, punn V.lxtt iena fuddem vachunk bostat. Tumchea borov-peank xabaski ditam.
Conception Lobo,
Malaria lagta chotrai dhorat
M.S; Gõyant malariachi pidda lokak lagot asa. Bholaike Seve Khatechea voizamni hacher vegim voizki upai ghevche mhonn amchi magnni asa. Adim ghoramni vokhdache fovare - spray martale, toxe atam marlole zoborxem gomo-na. Ganvamni mhellsann chodd zalea ani zollari vaddot asa. Heo zollari malaria zor ximpddaitat. Haka lagun amchea lokacher bhirant upraslea. Hea vorsamni Gõyant xembhoreamni lokak malaria zor lagot asa ani kitleach zannank falciparum zor lagla mhonn sangtat. Lokan-ui aplea ghora bhonvtim nitollkai samballunk zai. Udkachea vhallamni ani mellot tea zageancher kochro uddoitoleank xiddkavnni dilear bori. Osli zagrutai lokanuch aple modem haddpachi goroz asa.
Pedro Fernandes,
Rosteavele toktte kaddunkuch zai
M.S; Unchle Nitiso-bhechea margdorxona pormannem rosteamvele toktte kaddun uddoile tem borem zalem. Zaite pavtti hea toktteancher bemoria-dichim chitram ani nhesnnam ghalun jahirati ghaltat. Dadlea-ostorean-che bhitorlea kopddean-cheo jahirati sobhemazar ghalpachi choddxi goroz na. Bhitorle kopdde koxe ghalunk zai tem sogottuch zanno. Bemo-riadichea toktteank virodh korunkuch zai.
Joaquina Fernandes,
Gõyant onek vimantoll kiteak?
M.S; Gõyant lokak sarki bizli, udok na, tantuntlea tantum kochreacho proxn azun suttavo zaina, oxe torechim kitlinch gorje-chim kamam zainastana urleant. Gõyant anek vimantoll kiteak zai? Novem vimantoll bandunk 3000 krutt rupiancho khorch asa. Mopa ganvantli zomin dusre ievzonne khatir vaporchi. Dabollechem vimantoll Gõykarank puro, Mopa-chem vimantoll Gõykaram poros Maha-raxttrak odik faideachem zatolem.
Caridade Pereira
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Seminar in Konkani at Zuarinagar
Seminar in Konkani at Zuarinagar
VASCO, FEB 18 - The department of Konkani at MES College of Arts and
Commerce, Zuarinagar, in association with Goa Konkani Academy will organize
a state-level seminar in Konkani on 'Konkani Sahitya, Sanskrutai Ani Samaj'
on February 21 in the college premises from 9 am to 5 pm.Noted Konkani
writers, educationists, teachers and stage artistes will present papers on
the seminar subjects - short story, novel, drama, tiatr, mando and folklore.
It is nice to note the revival of interest in Konkani. Fr.Agnelo's
College, Pilar organised a similar meet too. The script is of little
concern to me as long as the youth are getting familiar with the
language in a way they understand. One can switch scripts at any time.
Exposure to a language and culture must come at a younger age.
Unfortunately, the mix of untrained, non-Konkani reading teachers
teaching Konkani in Devanagri to an increasingly Lamani and Bijapuri
student population in the Diocesan schools, is not the best way of
going about the job. Most Govt. primary schools do not teach
the"Official Language". After 15 years of Konkani in schools, the
circulation of the only Devanagri Konkani newspaper in Goa is not
increasing as it should have.
Literacy is not equal to readership. Even applictions or petitions are
not received by Govt. offices in Konkani written in Devanagri. The
teaching of the Official language has been as effective as the
teaching of French, Latin or Sanskrit in school. The post of "Director
of Official Language" is considered as a punishment now.
May be one day we will have our own Konkani Nirantari in Goa. At least
the process can begin.
Mog asundi.
Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676
VASCO, FEB 18 - The department of Konkani at MES College of Arts and
Commerce, Zuarinagar, in association with Goa Konkani Academy will organize
a state-level seminar in Konkani on 'Konkani Sahitya, Sanskrutai Ani Samaj'
on February 21 in the college premises from 9 am to 5 pm.Noted Konkani
writers, educationists, teachers and stage artistes will present papers on
the seminar subjects - short story, novel, drama, tiatr, mando and folklore.
It is nice to note the revival of interest in Konkani. Fr.Agnelo's
College, Pilar organised a similar meet too. The script is of little
concern to me as long as the youth are getting familiar with the
language in a way they understand. One can switch scripts at any time.
Exposure to a language and culture must come at a younger age.
Unfortunately, the mix of untrained, non-Konkani reading teachers
teaching Konkani in Devanagri to an increasingly Lamani and Bijapuri
student population in the Diocesan schools, is not the best way of
going about the job. Most Govt. primary schools do not teach
the"Official Language". After 15 years of Konkani in schools, the
circulation of the only Devanagri Konkani newspaper in Goa is not
increasing as it should have.
Literacy is not equal to readership. Even applictions or petitions are
not received by Govt. offices in Konkani written in Devanagri. The
teaching of the Official language has been as effective as the
teaching of French, Latin or Sanskrit in school. The post of "Director
of Official Language" is considered as a punishment now.
May be one day we will have our own Konkani Nirantari in Goa. At least
the process can begin.
Mog asundi.
Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676
Monday, February 11, 2008
Yusuf Sheikh Bags Antonio Pereira Konknni Puroskar
For the first time in the last 18 years of the prestigious Antonio Pereira Konknni Puroskar (APKP) a person from the audiovisual media, and from the Muslim community of Goa has been selected by Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK). Mr. Yusuf Sheikh, the former Station Director of Doordarshan, Shillong bags APKP of 2008. He has been selected for this award for his contribution to Konknni through audiovisual media and for Konknni literature especially poetry.
Born on 01 August 1948, Mr Yusuf Sheikh hails from the Muslim community of Goa. He has done his M.Sc. from University of Bombay in 1973. He started to serve Konknni in 1966 with the composition of poems and writing short stories. During his college days he aggressively participated in the Konknni language movement and started Konknni Sonvskrutik Mandal in 1968. Yusuf was one of those who lit the Konknni torch and led the movement initiated in mid seventies by Gurunath Kelekar with an inspiring slogan: “Konknni Uloy, Konknni Boroy, Konknnintlean Sorkar Choloy.” He started contributing Konknni articles to Devanagari and Roman script periodicals. Later, during his posting at All India Radio, Mangalore from 1984 to 1991 he learnt the Kannada script and contributed to Konknni periodicals in Kannada script..
He has the experience of working in different capacities like Casual Announcer, Production Assistant, Transmission Executive, Programme Executive and in various linguistic zones in different parts of our country like Karnataka, Meghalaya, Assam and Goa. He has worked as an Assistant Station Director at All India Radio, and Doordarshan Kendra, Panaji.
He has two books to his credit, besides he has done Konknni translation of 30th chapter of the Koran. Two of his books will be published in the near future namely, ‘Basics of Television Journalism’ and ‘Amcheo Porbo ani Mhotvache Dis’ (Feasts and festivals). Some of his literary works are included in anthologies published by National Sahitya Akademi. Some of his poems are also included in Konknni textbooks. Besides this he has contributed articles, short stories, poems, literary criticism, etc to various leading periodicals in Goa irrespective of their language and script. He also contributed Konknni articles to Kannada script periodicals. His poems, short stories, talks, etc are broadcast from All India Radio, Panaji, Mumbai, and Mangalore, and also telecast from Doordarshan Kendra, Panaji.
He was associated with several institutions and bodies such as Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi; Akhil Bharatiya Konkani Parishad; and Goan Poet Circle in different important designations.
He has received Akashwani Award for his documentary in Konknni ‘Poder’. He is recipient of Goa Kala Akademi’s Sahitya Puroskar, Konkani Bhasha Mandal award for his book ‘Gantthi’ and he was awarded by Goa Writers’ Circle for his short story ‘Uzvatintlea Dhunvrantlean’.
He has actively participated in various seminars and workshops in Goa, and outside Goa. He was the first Goan to be appointed by UPSC in 1980 as the Programme Executive for Konknni in All India Radio and of being the first Goan to occupy the rank of Station Director of Doordarshan.
Apart from these contributions and achievements, a number of his songs have been set to music and regularly broadcast by All India Radio Panaji, Mangalore, and Mumbai. A few songs have been attractively illustrated and telecast.
This multi-faceted Konknni man, and the pride of the Muslim community of Goa, will receive APKP award from the Archbishop of Goa, Filipe Neri Ferrão on March 28, 2008 at the closing function of TSKK Silver Jubilee Year to be held at Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Porvorim. This function is open to the public.
Pratap Naik SJ pratap naik
B. B. Borkar Road ,Alto Porvorim– 403 521, GOA, India
( (0832) 2415857, 2415864
February 06, 2008
For the first time in the last 18 years of the prestigious Antonio Pereira Konknni Puroskar (APKP) a person from the audiovisual media, and from the Muslim community of Goa has been selected by Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK). Mr. Yusuf Sheikh, the former Station Director of Doordarshan, Shillong bags APKP of 2008. He has been selected for this award for his contribution to Konknni through audiovisual media and for Konknni literature especially poetry.
Born on 01 August 1948, Mr Yusuf Sheikh hails from the Muslim community of Goa. He has done his M.Sc. from University of Bombay in 1973. He started to serve Konknni in 1966 with the composition of poems and writing short stories. During his college days he aggressively participated in the Konknni language movement and started Konknni Sonvskrutik Mandal in 1968. Yusuf was one of those who lit the Konknni torch and led the movement initiated in mid seventies by Gurunath Kelekar with an inspiring slogan: “Konknni Uloy, Konknni Boroy, Konknnintlean Sorkar Choloy.” He started contributing Konknni articles to Devanagari and Roman script periodicals. Later, during his posting at All India Radio, Mangalore from 1984 to 1991 he learnt the Kannada script and contributed to Konknni periodicals in Kannada script..
He has the experience of working in different capacities like Casual Announcer, Production Assistant, Transmission Executive, Programme Executive and in various linguistic zones in different parts of our country like Karnataka, Meghalaya, Assam and Goa. He has worked as an Assistant Station Director at All India Radio, and Doordarshan Kendra, Panaji.
He has two books to his credit, besides he has done Konknni translation of 30th chapter of the Koran. Two of his books will be published in the near future namely, ‘Basics of Television Journalism’ and ‘Amcheo Porbo ani Mhotvache Dis’ (Feasts and festivals). Some of his literary works are included in anthologies published by National Sahitya Akademi. Some of his poems are also included in Konknni textbooks. Besides this he has contributed articles, short stories, poems, literary criticism, etc to various leading periodicals in Goa irrespective of their language and script. He also contributed Konknni articles to Kannada script periodicals. His poems, short stories, talks, etc are broadcast from All India Radio, Panaji, Mumbai, and Mangalore, and also telecast from Doordarshan Kendra, Panaji.
He was associated with several institutions and bodies such as Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi; Akhil Bharatiya Konkani Parishad; and Goan Poet Circle in different important designations.
He has received Akashwani Award for his documentary in Konknni ‘Poder’. He is recipient of Goa Kala Akademi’s Sahitya Puroskar, Konkani Bhasha Mandal award for his book ‘Gantthi’ and he was awarded by Goa Writers’ Circle for his short story ‘Uzvatintlea Dhunvrantlean’.
He has actively participated in various seminars and workshops in Goa, and outside Goa. He was the first Goan to be appointed by UPSC in 1980 as the Programme Executive for Konknni in All India Radio and of being the first Goan to occupy the rank of Station Director of Doordarshan.
Apart from these contributions and achievements, a number of his songs have been set to music and regularly broadcast by All India Radio Panaji, Mangalore, and Mumbai. A few songs have been attractively illustrated and telecast.
This multi-faceted Konknni man, and the pride of the Muslim community of Goa, will receive APKP award from the Archbishop of Goa, Filipe Neri Ferrão on March 28, 2008 at the closing function of TSKK Silver Jubilee Year to be held at Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Porvorim. This function is open to the public.
Pratap Naik SJ pratap naik
B. B. Borkar Road ,Alto Porvorim– 403 521, GOA, India
( (0832) 2415857, 2415864
February 06, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The Mhamai Kamat House....At Goa
The Mhamai Kamat House....At Goa
One of the oldest houses in Panjim is that of an important Hindu family in Goa, the Mhamai Kamats who had escaped from the Jesuits crusade in Chandor to convert people to Christianity as per the law enforced then by the Christian Missionaries.
Their house at Panjim is located just opposite the statue of Abbe Faria. Some members did get converted while the Hindu section of the family that remained established alliances with the Vijayanagar rulers and the Portuguese government sections thereby shifting to Panjim in the mid 18th century.
The reason for moving into this house was the close relationship of the Mhamai Kamats with the Raja of Sawantwadi who was a bitter enemy of the Portuguese government in Goa. Since the Kamat family had established diplomatic relations with the Vice regal circle of the Portuguese government, the Raja could have benefited from this. This prompted the shifting of the Mhamai Kamat family to Panjim just near the Idalcao palace which was the Viceroy’s official residence after he had left Old Goa and so have been there ever since.
Just along the waterfront is the famous jetty of the Mandovi river where ships would arrive and depart for Bombay. There was quite a lot of commotion during the arrival and departure of ships due to passengers trying to claim their positions on the ship. Opposite this jetty, one can still find the old public buildings.
Opposite the water creek at Betim, one can see the High Court building built in 1878 besides the famous Mandovi Hotel which offers a magnificent and picturesque view across the river. On the Betim hillside opposite the Panjim jetty is a white building or the Sikh Gurudwara which is the only one in Goa besides the one at Vasco, due to less Sikh population in Goa. The Chapel of Dom Lourenco built in the 18th century, is quite congested and crammed for space with an unusual combination roof of a plastered white dome and red tiled pyramid. Within the chapel are the remains of the altars and coat of arms of the Noronha family. A road to the left of the Mandovi hotel leads to the Azad Maidan.
One of the oldest houses in Panjim is that of an important Hindu family in Goa, the Mhamai Kamats who had escaped from the Jesuits crusade in Chandor to convert people to Christianity as per the law enforced then by the Christian Missionaries.
Their house at Panjim is located just opposite the statue of Abbe Faria. Some members did get converted while the Hindu section of the family that remained established alliances with the Vijayanagar rulers and the Portuguese government sections thereby shifting to Panjim in the mid 18th century.
The reason for moving into this house was the close relationship of the Mhamai Kamats with the Raja of Sawantwadi who was a bitter enemy of the Portuguese government in Goa. Since the Kamat family had established diplomatic relations with the Vice regal circle of the Portuguese government, the Raja could have benefited from this. This prompted the shifting of the Mhamai Kamat family to Panjim just near the Idalcao palace which was the Viceroy’s official residence after he had left Old Goa and so have been there ever since.
Just along the waterfront is the famous jetty of the Mandovi river where ships would arrive and depart for Bombay. There was quite a lot of commotion during the arrival and departure of ships due to passengers trying to claim their positions on the ship. Opposite this jetty, one can still find the old public buildings.
Opposite the water creek at Betim, one can see the High Court building built in 1878 besides the famous Mandovi Hotel which offers a magnificent and picturesque view across the river. On the Betim hillside opposite the Panjim jetty is a white building or the Sikh Gurudwara which is the only one in Goa besides the one at Vasco, due to less Sikh population in Goa. The Chapel of Dom Lourenco built in the 18th century, is quite congested and crammed for space with an unusual combination roof of a plastered white dome and red tiled pyramid. Within the chapel are the remains of the altars and coat of arms of the Noronha family. A road to the left of the Mandovi hotel leads to the Azad Maidan.
The Konkani Language...Language of Goa
The Konkani Language...Language of Goa
The Konkani language is the most widely spoken mother tongue of people in each and every part of Goa and is highly responsible for unification of the Goan population.
It is being made as the official language amidst a lot of disputes over its acceptance. Hindus use the Devnagri script while Roman Catholics add the Roman accent to the existing Devnagri script. Although it is widely spoken in Goa, it has a limited use in administration purposes, hence Marathi is made use of for such purposes. Its use as an official language is a major topic of discussion in debates, some favouring it while others going against it.
The Konkani language was initially banned by the Portuguese who destroyed all literary works and books written in Konkani and insisted that Portuguese should be the medium of learning at educational level and used in administrative purposes. It was only in the mid 19th century that the restriction on the use of Portuguese language was lifted due to the extreme difficulty that the Goans faced in using Portuguese for communication as well as commercial purposes. Although Portuguese is not used recently, there are quite a handful of people who still tend to use some Portuguese accent in their conversation, although this is rapidly reducing and only a mere sprinkling of words here and there is observed. Constant debates have been fought over the language to make it official as opposed to Marathi, which is believed to be derived from the Konkani language.
The educational system in Goa follows the Marathi medium of instruction in 80% of the institutes, while only 0.25% follow the Konkani medium. But on a higher scale, English is the most preferred medium of instruction in schools and colleges where 96% of students are taught English. Steps are being taken to include Konkani in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution. The use of English is by far the largest, justified by 3 of the local and national newspapers, which are printed in English.
The Konkani language is the most widely spoken mother tongue of people in each and every part of Goa and is highly responsible for unification of the Goan population.
It is being made as the official language amidst a lot of disputes over its acceptance. Hindus use the Devnagri script while Roman Catholics add the Roman accent to the existing Devnagri script. Although it is widely spoken in Goa, it has a limited use in administration purposes, hence Marathi is made use of for such purposes. Its use as an official language is a major topic of discussion in debates, some favouring it while others going against it.
The Konkani language was initially banned by the Portuguese who destroyed all literary works and books written in Konkani and insisted that Portuguese should be the medium of learning at educational level and used in administrative purposes. It was only in the mid 19th century that the restriction on the use of Portuguese language was lifted due to the extreme difficulty that the Goans faced in using Portuguese for communication as well as commercial purposes. Although Portuguese is not used recently, there are quite a handful of people who still tend to use some Portuguese accent in their conversation, although this is rapidly reducing and only a mere sprinkling of words here and there is observed. Constant debates have been fought over the language to make it official as opposed to Marathi, which is believed to be derived from the Konkani language.
The educational system in Goa follows the Marathi medium of instruction in 80% of the institutes, while only 0.25% follow the Konkani medium. But on a higher scale, English is the most preferred medium of instruction in schools and colleges where 96% of students are taught English. Steps are being taken to include Konkani in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution. The use of English is by far the largest, justified by 3 of the local and national newspapers, which are printed in English.
Kala Academy closes door on Romi script writers
Kala Academy closes door on Romi script writers
Dear all
What a horrible stab in the back. Why this fear to give equal status for Roman Konkani? Is it because if that is given than Devanagri will die an untimely death? Or is there some agenda with the devanagris to kill Roman, which might never die?
How many languages in India use Devanagri, There are many who don’t so why demand Devanagri only for Konkani? Is it to prove that we are Indians? So what about other states in India? What script is used by Malayalam, Tamil, Gujarati, and Assamese? Are all the eastern Indian states using Devanagri? What about Bengali?
Devanagri guys are behaving like Mafia, Tech kortat tem sarkem, urlolea tel lait gele, oxem num? See a few people are using all skills like the mafia is using to deny any right for us poor speakers of Konkani to voice ourselves. What a pity. The power that these few use is sickening. All Tiatrists should boycott Kala Academy. Its these people who have made it an institution. Romans Konkani may use English as their second language but the Devanagris are total Marathi guys who take poroskar both ways. Isn’t it so? If not who buys all Marathi papers that sell in Goa?
Jerry Fernandes
Kala Academy closes door on Romi script writers
PANJIM: Dalgado Konknni Akademy president Tomazinho Cardozo has asked Kala Academy chairman Pratapsing Rane not to allow the institution fall victim to the manipulations of Devnagri Konkani protagonists, and become a party to the discrimination meted out to followers of Konkani in Romi script. Reacting to the Kala Academy's decision not to disburse literary awards to Konkani works written in the Roman script, and not to constitute a separate award on par with the Gomanta Sharda Puraskar to writers in Roman script, Cardozo said that Rane had "encouraged the fascist ideas of Uday Bhembre and a few others in their aim to destroy Konkani in the Roman script".
Gomantak Times/October 21, 2007
Dear all
What a horrible stab in the back. Why this fear to give equal status for Roman Konkani? Is it because if that is given than Devanagri will die an untimely death? Or is there some agenda with the devanagris to kill Roman, which might never die?
How many languages in India use Devanagri, There are many who don’t so why demand Devanagri only for Konkani? Is it to prove that we are Indians? So what about other states in India? What script is used by Malayalam, Tamil, Gujarati, and Assamese? Are all the eastern Indian states using Devanagri? What about Bengali?
Devanagri guys are behaving like Mafia, Tech kortat tem sarkem, urlolea tel lait gele, oxem num? See a few people are using all skills like the mafia is using to deny any right for us poor speakers of Konkani to voice ourselves. What a pity. The power that these few use is sickening. All Tiatrists should boycott Kala Academy. Its these people who have made it an institution. Romans Konkani may use English as their second language but the Devanagris are total Marathi guys who take poroskar both ways. Isn’t it so? If not who buys all Marathi papers that sell in Goa?
Jerry Fernandes
Kala Academy closes door on Romi script writers
PANJIM: Dalgado Konknni Akademy president Tomazinho Cardozo has asked Kala Academy chairman Pratapsing Rane not to allow the institution fall victim to the manipulations of Devnagri Konkani protagonists, and become a party to the discrimination meted out to followers of Konkani in Romi script. Reacting to the Kala Academy's decision not to disburse literary awards to Konkani works written in the Roman script, and not to constitute a separate award on par with the Gomanta Sharda Puraskar to writers in Roman script, Cardozo said that Rane had "encouraged the fascist ideas of Uday Bhembre and a few others in their aim to destroy Konkani in the Roman script".
Gomantak Times/October 21, 2007
KONKANI Meant to Unite
KONKANI Meant to Unite
By Damodar Mauzo
Every language has different dialects. Styles differ according to the region, caste and community. Even the vocabulary varies. Every trade has its own terminology. These dialects, styles and jargon enrich a language. This is true for any language, be it a vernacular like Tamil or Bengali or English, the international language. Konkani can be no different. Yet, of late, attempts are being made by certain quarters to misguide and divide the people in the name of styles and scripts. This is highly deplorable.
All of us know the role of Goencho Saad and Sot in streamlining the composition and the orthography of Romi Konkani. It was its pioneering editor, Felicio Cardozo who laid the sound foundation of literary Romi Konkani. And who were the other contributors? Dr Manoharrai Sardesai, R V Pandit, Dr Bhikaji Ghanekar, Evagrio Jorge, Fr Moreno D’Souza, Fr Lactancio Almeida, Fr Alvaro Renato Mendes, Soter Barreto and a host of others who worked unitedly with zeal to develop literature in the language. It is true that the majority of Romi writers are Christians. But it is also true that many young Catholic writers are contributing to the Sunaparant. Therefore it is wrong to attribute a script to one particular community. Whether one writes in Devanagari or in Romi, all strive to serve their mother tongue.
Konkani-speaking people are spread over Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Goa. We all know that due to historic reasons and for the sake of convenience different scripts were adopted for writing Konkani. In Kerala, the people wrote Konkani in the Malayalam script while in Karnataka the majority write in the Kannada script and the Navayat community in the Arabic script. In Goa, both the Roman and Devanagari script are in use. Yet we are all Konkani-speaking people and would love to remain united in the cause of Konkani.
However, the recent views of Tomazinho Cardozo are lacking in balance. The demand for equal consideration for the literature produced in the Romi script is certainly justified. But asking for segregation of Romi from Devanagari is ridiculous. Holding Tiatr festival independent of drama festival is perfectly right, because Tiatr is an indigenous and independent form of drama and must be judged separately. However, when I write in the Romi script the language or the quality of writing cannot be different. It seems that Cardozo has some apprehension that Romi script writers are meted injustice while giving awards. If so, he should speak out and recommend names for a jury panel which he is comfortable with. The path he is taking could result in ‘Hundra Ragan Gharak Uzo’. The Kala Academy, Goa gives annual awards to literary works both in the Konkani and Marathi categories. Books in the Roman script are eligible and are considered for the award. These awards are treated as state awards. The academy also gives the Gomant Sharada Puroskar, a biennial lifetime achievement award, for a Goan writer of outstanding stature. Gomant Sharada Award can go to any writer of eminence irrespective of language as it is not given to the book but in consideration of the stature of the writer. Konkani writers writing in Roman script are certainly eligible for the award.
The Kala Academy has different advisory committees for different faculties including one for literature. Any demand or recommendation with respect to literature has to be evaluated by the advisory committee for the consideration of the executive committee and policy decisions are then taken by the general council. This is a procedure followed by all such bodies. Tomazinho, as a member of the executive committee, had proposed that the Academy awards be given to Romi writers by creating a third category in addition to the ones for Marathi and Konkani. The executive committee should have referred this to the advisory board for their consideration. However, the executive committee approved this proposal. When it came before the advisory board for literature for implementation, the board realising the anomaly of having two prizes for one language did not concur with the decision and hence recorded their protest. The matter then came before the general council for ratification of the EC decision. After due deliberations the council rejected the demand and rightly so. Konkani and Marathi books cannot be treated on par as both are different languages. But giving awards to books by dividing Konkani as Romi Konkani and Devanagari Konkani is highly objectionable.
Tomazinho has played yet another card that was unfair. He demanded that Gomant Sharada Award be given in three separate categories viz. Marathi, Konkani in Devanagari and Konkani in Roman script. His cynical game was to muster support for his demands from the Marathi camp as he had roped in Marathi too in this category. It seems he failed in his attempt. It is heartening to note that both these undesirable demands were rejected by the general council of the Kala Academy.
I am a Konkani writer. I am more at home with Devanagari. I also write in the Roman script. If I write in Devanagari and also publish the same in Roman script then can I claim awards in both the categories? Olivinho Gomes, Jess Fernandes and many more write in both the scripts with equal fluency. Would it be fair to claim awards in both the scripts? If a writer submits his books in both the categories and gets an award in one category then will it mean his writing in one script is good and the other is not?
Mr Cardozo certainly has every right to press for his demands. We live in a democracy. But Tomazinho seems to ignore democratic principles. He is a member of the general council of the Academy and when the decisions of the executive committee were placed before the council for ratification he had every opportunity to express himself. If Uday Bhembre has opposed the decision he has exercised his right of expression. How could one person influence the entire council? If the general council has rejected the move it is because it was convinced that the decision of the executive committee was not in the interest of the people. As a member of the council it was his duty to accept the verdict given in a democratic manner. Submitting a memorandum to the chairman of the Academy and terming the rejection as conspiracy amounts to questioning of the integrity and authority of the general council.
There are certain people who take pleasure in hitting at Uday Bhembre. Uday Bhembre is regarded as one of the most revered leaders of the Konkani movement. His selflessness and love for the land is known to one and all. He has championed the cause of Konkani in the face of strong opposition. His tirade against the policies and designs of the Maharashtrawadis has helped Goans retain their identity. His forceful and persuasive arguments have contributed immensely to the recognition to Konkani at all levels. His rational way of thinking and secular approach to Goan issues has often saved Goa from falling prey to the expansionist and divisive designs of Goa’s enemies. Even his archrivals never question his honesty and integrity.
Personally, I have a high regard for Udaybab because of his relentless efforts to selflessly serve the interests of Goan society. Until recently, I considered Tomazinho Cardozo as a champion of Konkani. But he seems to be reducing himself to being a champion of the Roman script Konkani. It is perfectly all right to be a protagonist of one script. But is it necessary to denigrate the others? Whom does he call the Devanagari fanatics? One thing has to be made clear. Devanagari has not been thrust upon Roman script writers. Tomazinho seems to be ignorant of history. Way back in 1962 when the Vijaya Muley Commission visited the just liberated Goa to study the language situation in Goa it received representations from different quarters. The most vocal opinion in favour of Konkani in Devanagari was a group of Catholic priests. Similarly the same year the first ever set of text books for Konkani was prepared by Dr Manoharrai Sardesai in both the scripts presuming that Catholic schools would prefer the Roman script. However, the move met with strong opposition in favour of Devanagari from the academicians and priests that included Fr Cruz Fernandes, Fr Carmo D’Silva and Fr Moreno D’Souza who believed that no attempt should be made to divide the people. Script has never been a dividing factor, though the protagonists of Marathi did try to segregate the two factions. We were fortunate that we had farsighted stalwarts to lead us. It is sad that the script issue is being blown out of proportion by some people for petty gains. The damage that is being done to the cause of Konkani is immense. Dividing the language in the name of the scripts is neither in the interests of the people nor will it serve Roman script writing. It will only lead to communal disharmony and hatred for one another.
There is more than meets the eye in this mud-slinging tirade against upright persons of unimpeachable integrity. There is a sinister similarity to earlier campaigns by communal elements, which had unsuccessfully sought to destroy Konkani and the Goan identity. An old war stratagem is – What cannot be destroyed by external forces can be made to succumb by suborning it from inside. It would be proper if Tomazinho and his like-minded group pauses a while and not allow themselves to be used as cat’s paws. Otherwise, the fate of the language which countless Goans regard as sacred will be bleak.
- Forwarded by
By Damodar Mauzo
Every language has different dialects. Styles differ according to the region, caste and community. Even the vocabulary varies. Every trade has its own terminology. These dialects, styles and jargon enrich a language. This is true for any language, be it a vernacular like Tamil or Bengali or English, the international language. Konkani can be no different. Yet, of late, attempts are being made by certain quarters to misguide and divide the people in the name of styles and scripts. This is highly deplorable.
All of us know the role of Goencho Saad and Sot in streamlining the composition and the orthography of Romi Konkani. It was its pioneering editor, Felicio Cardozo who laid the sound foundation of literary Romi Konkani. And who were the other contributors? Dr Manoharrai Sardesai, R V Pandit, Dr Bhikaji Ghanekar, Evagrio Jorge, Fr Moreno D’Souza, Fr Lactancio Almeida, Fr Alvaro Renato Mendes, Soter Barreto and a host of others who worked unitedly with zeal to develop literature in the language. It is true that the majority of Romi writers are Christians. But it is also true that many young Catholic writers are contributing to the Sunaparant. Therefore it is wrong to attribute a script to one particular community. Whether one writes in Devanagari or in Romi, all strive to serve their mother tongue.
Konkani-speaking people are spread over Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Goa. We all know that due to historic reasons and for the sake of convenience different scripts were adopted for writing Konkani. In Kerala, the people wrote Konkani in the Malayalam script while in Karnataka the majority write in the Kannada script and the Navayat community in the Arabic script. In Goa, both the Roman and Devanagari script are in use. Yet we are all Konkani-speaking people and would love to remain united in the cause of Konkani.
However, the recent views of Tomazinho Cardozo are lacking in balance. The demand for equal consideration for the literature produced in the Romi script is certainly justified. But asking for segregation of Romi from Devanagari is ridiculous. Holding Tiatr festival independent of drama festival is perfectly right, because Tiatr is an indigenous and independent form of drama and must be judged separately. However, when I write in the Romi script the language or the quality of writing cannot be different. It seems that Cardozo has some apprehension that Romi script writers are meted injustice while giving awards. If so, he should speak out and recommend names for a jury panel which he is comfortable with. The path he is taking could result in ‘Hundra Ragan Gharak Uzo’. The Kala Academy, Goa gives annual awards to literary works both in the Konkani and Marathi categories. Books in the Roman script are eligible and are considered for the award. These awards are treated as state awards. The academy also gives the Gomant Sharada Puroskar, a biennial lifetime achievement award, for a Goan writer of outstanding stature. Gomant Sharada Award can go to any writer of eminence irrespective of language as it is not given to the book but in consideration of the stature of the writer. Konkani writers writing in Roman script are certainly eligible for the award.
The Kala Academy has different advisory committees for different faculties including one for literature. Any demand or recommendation with respect to literature has to be evaluated by the advisory committee for the consideration of the executive committee and policy decisions are then taken by the general council. This is a procedure followed by all such bodies. Tomazinho, as a member of the executive committee, had proposed that the Academy awards be given to Romi writers by creating a third category in addition to the ones for Marathi and Konkani. The executive committee should have referred this to the advisory board for their consideration. However, the executive committee approved this proposal. When it came before the advisory board for literature for implementation, the board realising the anomaly of having two prizes for one language did not concur with the decision and hence recorded their protest. The matter then came before the general council for ratification of the EC decision. After due deliberations the council rejected the demand and rightly so. Konkani and Marathi books cannot be treated on par as both are different languages. But giving awards to books by dividing Konkani as Romi Konkani and Devanagari Konkani is highly objectionable.
Tomazinho has played yet another card that was unfair. He demanded that Gomant Sharada Award be given in three separate categories viz. Marathi, Konkani in Devanagari and Konkani in Roman script. His cynical game was to muster support for his demands from the Marathi camp as he had roped in Marathi too in this category. It seems he failed in his attempt. It is heartening to note that both these undesirable demands were rejected by the general council of the Kala Academy.
I am a Konkani writer. I am more at home with Devanagari. I also write in the Roman script. If I write in Devanagari and also publish the same in Roman script then can I claim awards in both the categories? Olivinho Gomes, Jess Fernandes and many more write in both the scripts with equal fluency. Would it be fair to claim awards in both the scripts? If a writer submits his books in both the categories and gets an award in one category then will it mean his writing in one script is good and the other is not?
Mr Cardozo certainly has every right to press for his demands. We live in a democracy. But Tomazinho seems to ignore democratic principles. He is a member of the general council of the Academy and when the decisions of the executive committee were placed before the council for ratification he had every opportunity to express himself. If Uday Bhembre has opposed the decision he has exercised his right of expression. How could one person influence the entire council? If the general council has rejected the move it is because it was convinced that the decision of the executive committee was not in the interest of the people. As a member of the council it was his duty to accept the verdict given in a democratic manner. Submitting a memorandum to the chairman of the Academy and terming the rejection as conspiracy amounts to questioning of the integrity and authority of the general council.
There are certain people who take pleasure in hitting at Uday Bhembre. Uday Bhembre is regarded as one of the most revered leaders of the Konkani movement. His selflessness and love for the land is known to one and all. He has championed the cause of Konkani in the face of strong opposition. His tirade against the policies and designs of the Maharashtrawadis has helped Goans retain their identity. His forceful and persuasive arguments have contributed immensely to the recognition to Konkani at all levels. His rational way of thinking and secular approach to Goan issues has often saved Goa from falling prey to the expansionist and divisive designs of Goa’s enemies. Even his archrivals never question his honesty and integrity.
Personally, I have a high regard for Udaybab because of his relentless efforts to selflessly serve the interests of Goan society. Until recently, I considered Tomazinho Cardozo as a champion of Konkani. But he seems to be reducing himself to being a champion of the Roman script Konkani. It is perfectly all right to be a protagonist of one script. But is it necessary to denigrate the others? Whom does he call the Devanagari fanatics? One thing has to be made clear. Devanagari has not been thrust upon Roman script writers. Tomazinho seems to be ignorant of history. Way back in 1962 when the Vijaya Muley Commission visited the just liberated Goa to study the language situation in Goa it received representations from different quarters. The most vocal opinion in favour of Konkani in Devanagari was a group of Catholic priests. Similarly the same year the first ever set of text books for Konkani was prepared by Dr Manoharrai Sardesai in both the scripts presuming that Catholic schools would prefer the Roman script. However, the move met with strong opposition in favour of Devanagari from the academicians and priests that included Fr Cruz Fernandes, Fr Carmo D’Silva and Fr Moreno D’Souza who believed that no attempt should be made to divide the people. Script has never been a dividing factor, though the protagonists of Marathi did try to segregate the two factions. We were fortunate that we had farsighted stalwarts to lead us. It is sad that the script issue is being blown out of proportion by some people for petty gains. The damage that is being done to the cause of Konkani is immense. Dividing the language in the name of the scripts is neither in the interests of the people nor will it serve Roman script writing. It will only lead to communal disharmony and hatred for one another.
There is more than meets the eye in this mud-slinging tirade against upright persons of unimpeachable integrity. There is a sinister similarity to earlier campaigns by communal elements, which had unsuccessfully sought to destroy Konkani and the Goan identity. An old war stratagem is – What cannot be destroyed by external forces can be made to succumb by suborning it from inside. It would be proper if Tomazinho and his like-minded group pauses a while and not allow themselves to be used as cat’s paws. Otherwise, the fate of the language which countless Goans regard as sacred will be bleak.
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Monday, January 21, 2008
Mhaka-i xiddkailolem zalear...
Ghorabeant bhurgem-ball asot zalear soglleankuch sanvrona titli khoxalkai bhogta. Konnagerui logna uprant chodd kall bhurgem zolmona zait zalear, nhoich ghov-bailek bogor akhea ghorabeant khont-husko zata. Ghorchim magir hea ani tea santak angovnneo kortat, Devak, Saibinnik ulo martat. Ani bhurgem-ball zolmotoch keloleo angovnneo pallttat, cheddo zanv, cheddum zanv, vaddtta-vaddtta, gineanak pavta. Avoi-bapui tacho khub mog ani apurbai kortat. Magot titlem-i bhurgeak ditat, dhadoxi kortat, oslech gotir bhurgem vaddta vaddtana avoi-bapain oglli zotnai gheunk zai, taka xistin vaddounk, supurlench astana lhan chuki adarta ten’na, nittaier haddunk gorjechem. Ponn hem korunk avoi-bapui chuktat.
Ek bhurgem iskolak vetana eka cheddeache ixttagotik poddlem tachi ixttagot vaddot geli vaddeantlea zanntteanche nodrek tim poddlim. Bhurgeachim vankddim kortubam, avoik gomoilim ponn avoin porva korunk na, voilean te zannttelek mhollem - “Mauxe, mhojem cheddum toxem korchem na” anik eklean avoik sanglem “polle cheddum omke kodden omkea sangata mouza kortalem”. Ponn cheddvache avoin aplea cheddvak xiddkaunche bodlek, tea mon’xak dhomkailo. Xekim cheddum gorbest zalem, ani magir kitem? Ghorabo lojek poddlo, avoi-bapaik khonticho dhoko, cheddvacher niraxiponn ailem ani hea niraxiponnachea bhesar cheddum avoik xinnlem:” tunvem mhaka poilench xiddkail’lem zalear hanv lojechea bhesar pavchim naslim”.
Mhaka-i xiddkailolem zalear...
Ghorabeant bhurgem-ball asot zalear soglleankuch sanvrona titli khoxalkai bhogta. Konnagerui logna uprant chodd kall bhurgem zolmona zait zalear, nhoich ghov-bailek bogor akhea ghorabeant khont-husko zata. Ghorchim magir hea ani tea santak angovnneo kortat, Devak, Saibinnik ulo martat. Ani bhurgem-ball zolmotoch keloleo angovnneo pallttat, cheddo zanv, cheddum zanv, vaddtta-vaddtta, gineanak pavta. Avoi-bapui tacho khub mog ani apurbai kortat. Magot titlem-i bhurgeak ditat, dhadoxi kortat, oslech gotir bhurgem vaddta vaddtana avoi-bapain oglli zotnai gheunk zai, taka xistin vaddounk, supurlench astana lhan chuki adarta ten’na, nittaier haddunk gorjechem. Ponn hem korunk avoi-bapui chuktat.
Ek bhurgem iskolak vetana eka cheddeache ixttagotik poddlem tachi ixttagot vaddot geli vaddeantlea zanntteanche nodrek tim poddlim. Bhurgeachim vankddim kortubam, avoik gomoilim ponn avoin porva korunk na, voilean te zannttelek mhollem - “Mauxe, mhojem cheddum toxem korchem na” anik eklean avoik sanglem “polle cheddum omke kodden omkea sangata mouza kortalem”. Ponn cheddvache avoin aplea cheddvak xiddkaunche bodlek, tea mon’xak dhomkailo. Xekim cheddum gorbest zalem, ani magir kitem? Ghorabo lojek poddlo, avoi-bapaik khonticho dhoko, cheddvacher niraxiponn ailem ani hea niraxiponnachea bhesar cheddum avoik xinnlem:” tunvem mhaka poilench xiddkail’lem zalear hanv lojechea bhesar pavchim naslim”.
Come September the mystical spirit creeps over me like ink into blotting paper. In a thrice my attention goes off at a tangent, drawn by the rain cascading down my window panes. I look out on a dew-drop-decked meadow beyond. How much living theology is written in the book of nature.
I see the glory and beauty of the universe with my third eye, the inner eye of the heart, the eye of wisdom, the eye of love.
How verdant and sprightly the grass is! I relish the refreshing smell of damp soil. The air is crisp and clear. It caresses me gently and wraps itself around me like a silken cloak. The trees are washed clean and inviting. I see flowers dancing gaily in gusty monsoon wind. I join in the dancing.
The fruit-laden, arching branches of trees creak and sing gaily as they sway rhythmically. I cannot resist the charm of nature. I enter sheepishly into God’s dance of exuberant joy and fullness of life.
I see herds of cows and flocks of sheep grazing merrily, lazily in the vast expanse of juicy, green, green grass. They surely savour and ruminate the delicious spread. I cannot take my eyes off this relaxing scene. I am in a pensive mood as I walk down a moist, muddy path. I wonder if humble animals can enjoy nature’s bounty, why can I not feel cosy in its encircling arms? It welcomes me too. In fact, I am already enjoying its motherly ways.
I sit silently, lovingly, mystically at the feet of Jesus, in this bracing, invigorating milieu.
I listen to the symphony of chirping, twittering birds in hundreds of leafy trees. What tranquility! Like medicinal balm for the afflicted heart. The birds of the air do not seem to have a care in the world. No fears, no inhibitions, no worries, no stress. They whistle and flit about in glee. What a delight for the eye. A joy to behold! I say to myself. Look and listen and learn to be like the flowers of the field and the birds of the air.
Joining the birds are the amazing, restless butterflies. These delicate fairy-like creatures catch my imagination. They settle down fleetingly, from one flower to the next, in search of delectable, divine nectar. They do not fret for their daily bread or store food for a rainy day. After all, Mother Earth is their home too.
I am reminded of the empty tomb of the risen Lord in the serene garden. Pregnant stillness! Resurrection power! Nature is the womb of God that receives me in silence.
I stand at the foot of an enchanting hillock. Rain water pours sown a steep fall, like a sheet of glass. I touch the icy-cold waterfall and feel a quickening of the spirit. I feel uplifted and empowered. I am at peace with myself, the surroundings and God. I somehow sense the Creator and His creation. This network has a warm centre called the heart, which is my habitation, my home. Ah! My pulse races. My heart gathers momentum.
There is a universal feeling of oneness that envelops me like an encircling morning mist. A time to cry, “Abba, Father!”
I enter an Ashram at the foothills. Thousands of bells chant sweet music. This coupled with the sonorously rich OM bring heaven down to earth. Cows walk leisurely back from their pastures, to a place that is their home, with little bells round their necks tinkling. I enter the hallowed space of the house of God. What quiet! Total serenity. Surely a tranquil place to be in. Peace pours over me like a soft rain falling sedately on dry ground. I enjoy unruffled calm, radiant joy and rest in God’s titillating presence. I am ensconced in the silence of the Master! The still small voice that spoke to Elijah whispers to me. God spoke to Moses “mouth to mouth” (Num.12:6), He speaks to me too that intimately. I know too well I am a mere earthling in an ethereal atmosphere.
I notice a few animals drink from the placid waters of a glistening stream, that playfully runs across the meadow. I grow ecstatic. The type of experience Abraham Maslow called the “peak experience”, the “moment of rapture”, conversion experience or a moment of illumination, something that St. Paul went through on the road to Damascus.
The low bushes almost cling to wet, soft banks and bloom luxuriantly in all their pristine beauty. A feast for the eye! I take in the ambrosial picturesqueness of Mother Earth. I realize I am slowly but surely getting to be one with the universe, the cosmos. I am astonished at how every single creature, animate and inanimate, is interrelated with the one true God. The awareness brings me prosperity, nothing-broken-nothing-missing, shalom! I know I am back in Paradise mankind had once lost.
And this gold nugget. Contemplation shakes the universe, topples the powers of evil, builds a great society and opens the door to eternal life. But, I did nothing to merit this wondrous grace!
Come September the mystical spirit creeps over me like ink into blotting paper. In a thrice my attention goes off at a tangent, drawn by the rain cascading down my window panes. I look out on a dew-drop-decked meadow beyond. How much living theology is written in the book of nature.
I see the glory and beauty of the universe with my third eye, the inner eye of the heart, the eye of wisdom, the eye of love.
How verdant and sprightly the grass is! I relish the refreshing smell of damp soil. The air is crisp and clear. It caresses me gently and wraps itself around me like a silken cloak. The trees are washed clean and inviting. I see flowers dancing gaily in gusty monsoon wind. I join in the dancing.
The fruit-laden, arching branches of trees creak and sing gaily as they sway rhythmically. I cannot resist the charm of nature. I enter sheepishly into God’s dance of exuberant joy and fullness of life.
I see herds of cows and flocks of sheep grazing merrily, lazily in the vast expanse of juicy, green, green grass. They surely savour and ruminate the delicious spread. I cannot take my eyes off this relaxing scene. I am in a pensive mood as I walk down a moist, muddy path. I wonder if humble animals can enjoy nature’s bounty, why can I not feel cosy in its encircling arms? It welcomes me too. In fact, I am already enjoying its motherly ways.
I sit silently, lovingly, mystically at the feet of Jesus, in this bracing, invigorating milieu.
I listen to the symphony of chirping, twittering birds in hundreds of leafy trees. What tranquility! Like medicinal balm for the afflicted heart. The birds of the air do not seem to have a care in the world. No fears, no inhibitions, no worries, no stress. They whistle and flit about in glee. What a delight for the eye. A joy to behold! I say to myself. Look and listen and learn to be like the flowers of the field and the birds of the air.
Joining the birds are the amazing, restless butterflies. These delicate fairy-like creatures catch my imagination. They settle down fleetingly, from one flower to the next, in search of delectable, divine nectar. They do not fret for their daily bread or store food for a rainy day. After all, Mother Earth is their home too.
I am reminded of the empty tomb of the risen Lord in the serene garden. Pregnant stillness! Resurrection power! Nature is the womb of God that receives me in silence.
I stand at the foot of an enchanting hillock. Rain water pours sown a steep fall, like a sheet of glass. I touch the icy-cold waterfall and feel a quickening of the spirit. I feel uplifted and empowered. I am at peace with myself, the surroundings and God. I somehow sense the Creator and His creation. This network has a warm centre called the heart, which is my habitation, my home. Ah! My pulse races. My heart gathers momentum.
There is a universal feeling of oneness that envelops me like an encircling morning mist. A time to cry, “Abba, Father!”
I enter an Ashram at the foothills. Thousands of bells chant sweet music. This coupled with the sonorously rich OM bring heaven down to earth. Cows walk leisurely back from their pastures, to a place that is their home, with little bells round their necks tinkling. I enter the hallowed space of the house of God. What quiet! Total serenity. Surely a tranquil place to be in. Peace pours over me like a soft rain falling sedately on dry ground. I enjoy unruffled calm, radiant joy and rest in God’s titillating presence. I am ensconced in the silence of the Master! The still small voice that spoke to Elijah whispers to me. God spoke to Moses “mouth to mouth” (Num.12:6), He speaks to me too that intimately. I know too well I am a mere earthling in an ethereal atmosphere.
I notice a few animals drink from the placid waters of a glistening stream, that playfully runs across the meadow. I grow ecstatic. The type of experience Abraham Maslow called the “peak experience”, the “moment of rapture”, conversion experience or a moment of illumination, something that St. Paul went through on the road to Damascus.
The low bushes almost cling to wet, soft banks and bloom luxuriantly in all their pristine beauty. A feast for the eye! I take in the ambrosial picturesqueness of Mother Earth. I realize I am slowly but surely getting to be one with the universe, the cosmos. I am astonished at how every single creature, animate and inanimate, is interrelated with the one true God. The awareness brings me prosperity, nothing-broken-nothing-missing, shalom! I know I am back in Paradise mankind had once lost.
And this gold nugget. Contemplation shakes the universe, topples the powers of evil, builds a great society and opens the door to eternal life. But, I did nothing to merit this wondrous grace!
Xikxokank Dhin'vas!
Xikxokank Dhin'vas!
Amchea jivitant ami zaitem dusream koddlean xikleanv. Toxench zaite pavtt amkam jem kitem somzonam tem iskuttavn amkam kollit kortoleak ami xikxok mhonntanv. Tor xikxok mhollear nhoinch xallentlo punn hea bhair-ui zaite monis amkam jivitache panvdde xikoitat. Punn Xikxokanchea Disa ami fokot xallamnim ani kolejimnim somarombh kortanv. Kitli uxir zata zait amchi somarombhnni ani dhin’vasnni!
Purvilea kallar thaun xikxokanchem mhotv mandun ghetlam. Tea tempar ek Guru aplea xisam borobor gurukulant vo axromant ravtalo. Guruchem ek utor adnea koxi xis mandun palltale.
Toxench uprant ailo mar-pett divn bhurgeank sudravpacho kall. Mastorachea hatant lamb fittfittit boddi pollevn bhurge babdde koddkoddtale. Thoddeank kollsanvantuch mutunk zatalem. Mar poddta te bhirantin kitlinch zannam xallek vochonastanam vo xalla soddun ghora boslim. Ani atam xikop nam mhunn roddtat. Xikxokak bhurge bhiyetale khore punn thodde bhov respet-ui ditale.
Novi pod’dot, nove torechem xikop, novem bhou bhitor sorlem ani xikxonnik mollar zaitem bodlop zalem. Aiz boddi, ruler hancho chodd vapur korinant ani haka lagun bhurgim chodd xikunk sodinant oxem dista. Punn aiz legun zaite xikxok aplo koddok sobhav vaprun bhurgeank benkddaunk sodtat. Oxem kelear bhurgim xikxokak bhiyetat khorim punn tankam oslea xikxokanchi tiddok marta.
Pollevnk gelear, choddxeam xikxokank bhurgim apnnak bhiyelelim zai. Bhurgim xikxokank respet ditat tankam bhiyetat hem sarkem nam. Hem sot xikxokamnim somzunk zai. Xikxokanchi bhirant nhoi bogor respet gorjecho. Kiteak bhurgeak kosli-i goroz asa zalear tannem xikxoka fuddem yevop gorjechem. Nam zalear xikxokancho faidoch nam. Adlea tempar bhurgeam kodde sarkem koddok ravlear kontak yetalem. Punn aichea kallant bhurgim zaitea-somajik, kuttumbik, dhormik ani her zaiteam proxnamnim ghuspololim astat. Tanchim bhavnnam ugtim korunk tankam ek vhoddil, ek ixtt ani visvaxi veaktichi goroz. Ho anvddo tancho eka xikxokan purai zalo zalear, eka bhurgeachem zaitem boreponn disun yetelem.
Zaite pavtt xikxok eka bhurgeak somzunk chukta. Bhurgeak sobhemazar vo vorgant kikont kelo zalear hem tachea monant guntun urta. Punn tachem boreponn vollkhun, tache oskotaye add zhuzunk taka sfurti dili zalear to kednach xikxokacho man denvunk divcho nam. ‘Black’ film amkam ‘teacher’ konn, koso zavcho hachi barik somzonni dita. Ek borovpi oxem boroita: “Teacher encourage in public, discourage in private”. Encourage - borem tem korunk ani discourage - vaitt gunn ani oskotaye add zhuzunk.
Aiz kitlexech bhurge iskol soddun bekar bhonvtat, kiteak tankam borem xikovpi meule nam vo konnachea tori vaitt utran tanche bore gunn harovle.Toxench dor bhurgo veg-vegllea gunnamnim bhorlolo asta. Thodde chodd bore xiktat vo thodde huxar khellgoddi astat, adi.
Ek xikxok mhollear somazacho dusro Dev zo amcho fuddar tanchea hata-khal aslolea bhurgeam vorvim akartat. Jednam amchea iskolant vo kolejint bhurgeantlem boreponn vollkhunk chuklea thoim somazant konnache tori bore dekhintlean bhurge zaitem xikleat.
Argam osleam sabar xikxokank, zanche vorvim zaite bore gunnache veokti uprasleat.
Selza Lopes
Amchea jivitant ami zaitem dusream koddlean xikleanv. Toxench zaite pavtt amkam jem kitem somzonam tem iskuttavn amkam kollit kortoleak ami xikxok mhonntanv. Tor xikxok mhollear nhoinch xallentlo punn hea bhair-ui zaite monis amkam jivitache panvdde xikoitat. Punn Xikxokanchea Disa ami fokot xallamnim ani kolejimnim somarombh kortanv. Kitli uxir zata zait amchi somarombhnni ani dhin’vasnni!
Purvilea kallar thaun xikxokanchem mhotv mandun ghetlam. Tea tempar ek Guru aplea xisam borobor gurukulant vo axromant ravtalo. Guruchem ek utor adnea koxi xis mandun palltale.
Toxench uprant ailo mar-pett divn bhurgeank sudravpacho kall. Mastorachea hatant lamb fittfittit boddi pollevn bhurge babdde koddkoddtale. Thoddeank kollsanvantuch mutunk zatalem. Mar poddta te bhirantin kitlinch zannam xallek vochonastanam vo xalla soddun ghora boslim. Ani atam xikop nam mhunn roddtat. Xikxokak bhurge bhiyetale khore punn thodde bhov respet-ui ditale.
Novi pod’dot, nove torechem xikop, novem bhou bhitor sorlem ani xikxonnik mollar zaitem bodlop zalem. Aiz boddi, ruler hancho chodd vapur korinant ani haka lagun bhurgim chodd xikunk sodinant oxem dista. Punn aiz legun zaite xikxok aplo koddok sobhav vaprun bhurgeank benkddaunk sodtat. Oxem kelear bhurgim xikxokak bhiyetat khorim punn tankam oslea xikxokanchi tiddok marta.
Pollevnk gelear, choddxeam xikxokank bhurgim apnnak bhiyelelim zai. Bhurgim xikxokank respet ditat tankam bhiyetat hem sarkem nam. Hem sot xikxokamnim somzunk zai. Xikxokanchi bhirant nhoi bogor respet gorjecho. Kiteak bhurgeak kosli-i goroz asa zalear tannem xikxoka fuddem yevop gorjechem. Nam zalear xikxokancho faidoch nam. Adlea tempar bhurgeam kodde sarkem koddok ravlear kontak yetalem. Punn aichea kallant bhurgim zaitea-somajik, kuttumbik, dhormik ani her zaiteam proxnamnim ghuspololim astat. Tanchim bhavnnam ugtim korunk tankam ek vhoddil, ek ixtt ani visvaxi veaktichi goroz. Ho anvddo tancho eka xikxokan purai zalo zalear, eka bhurgeachem zaitem boreponn disun yetelem.
Zaite pavtt xikxok eka bhurgeak somzunk chukta. Bhurgeak sobhemazar vo vorgant kikont kelo zalear hem tachea monant guntun urta. Punn tachem boreponn vollkhun, tache oskotaye add zhuzunk taka sfurti dili zalear to kednach xikxokacho man denvunk divcho nam. ‘Black’ film amkam ‘teacher’ konn, koso zavcho hachi barik somzonni dita. Ek borovpi oxem boroita: “Teacher encourage in public, discourage in private”. Encourage - borem tem korunk ani discourage - vaitt gunn ani oskotaye add zhuzunk.
Aiz kitlexech bhurge iskol soddun bekar bhonvtat, kiteak tankam borem xikovpi meule nam vo konnachea tori vaitt utran tanche bore gunn harovle.Toxench dor bhurgo veg-vegllea gunnamnim bhorlolo asta. Thodde chodd bore xiktat vo thodde huxar khellgoddi astat, adi.
Ek xikxok mhollear somazacho dusro Dev zo amcho fuddar tanchea hata-khal aslolea bhurgeam vorvim akartat. Jednam amchea iskolant vo kolejint bhurgeantlem boreponn vollkhunk chuklea thoim somazant konnache tori bore dekhintlean bhurge zaitem xikleat.
Argam osleam sabar xikxokank, zanche vorvim zaite bore gunnache veokti uprasleat.
Selza Lopes
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Romi masikam bond korpak naddbudi kiteak?
Romi masikam bond korpak naddbudi kiteak?
Purtugez kallar eka vellar Konknni bhaxecher marekar kall upraslo. Ticho dusman voir sorun Gõyantli Konknni nopoit korpacho nett dhorlo, tednam khup luskonn zalem khorem, torui loka modli Konknni nam korpak ghoddlem nam. Atam amchech modle bhaxeche lipicho vad ghevn zhuz choloitat. Hem zhuz konnacheach faideachem nhoi punn sogleank luskonnan ghalpachem mhonn hanv somzotam.
Fattlea xekddeant thaun Romi lipyen kitlinch Konknni potram ailim ani gelim. Konknni mogiamnim tim vhoddle umedin suru kel’lim punn tankam duddvancho palov vo konnachoch adar nam zavn tim morun gelim.
Tednacho kall khup vegllo aslo. Pollevnk gelear adim ani atam zaitench veglleponn disun yeta. Gulab-a sarkem masik bond zavop vo korop mhonnlear dubavachem kortub hanvem mhonnlem zalear konnak vaitt disunk favonam. Dhunvor voir sorta to polletoch khoim tori uzo pettla mhonn somzum yeta. Voir sortolo ho dhunvor mhojeanuch nhoi tor konnacheanuch damun dovrunk zainam.
Hem hanv borounk pavlom, jednam 25 vorsancho Gulab masik bond zata mhonn aikotanch Konknni vachpeank dhoko boslo. Mhaka-i ojap dislem. Fausto Costa-bab Konknnicho okhondd mogi oxem korunk divpachoch nhoi mhonn mhaka khatri asa. Mhozo padri ixtt sorgest Freddy Costa krutt legun dilear apunn jivo astanam apnnem suru kel’lem masik bond kortolo-xem disonam.
Oso dubav lagta, ki hea masikacher lipi-vadacho bi ddobhav poddunk na mum? Oxem-i zaum-ie Gulab toyar korpak Fausto babak dor mhoineak Mumboi thaun Gõyant yevpache tras poddtat nhoi? Vo her-ui khasgi proxn uprastat zaum-ie. Kitem-i zaum, 26 vorsam hea masikan itlo boro vavr kel’lo to atam nirfolli kiteak zavcho?
Vincent Carvalho,
Purtugez kallar eka vellar Konknni bhaxecher marekar kall upraslo. Ticho dusman voir sorun Gõyantli Konknni nopoit korpacho nett dhorlo, tednam khup luskonn zalem khorem, torui loka modli Konknni nam korpak ghoddlem nam. Atam amchech modle bhaxeche lipicho vad ghevn zhuz choloitat. Hem zhuz konnacheach faideachem nhoi punn sogleank luskonnan ghalpachem mhonn hanv somzotam.
Fattlea xekddeant thaun Romi lipyen kitlinch Konknni potram ailim ani gelim. Konknni mogiamnim tim vhoddle umedin suru kel’lim punn tankam duddvancho palov vo konnachoch adar nam zavn tim morun gelim.
Tednacho kall khup vegllo aslo. Pollevnk gelear adim ani atam zaitench veglleponn disun yeta. Gulab-a sarkem masik bond zavop vo korop mhonnlear dubavachem kortub hanvem mhonnlem zalear konnak vaitt disunk favonam. Dhunvor voir sorta to polletoch khoim tori uzo pettla mhonn somzum yeta. Voir sortolo ho dhunvor mhojeanuch nhoi tor konnacheanuch damun dovrunk zainam.
Hem hanv borounk pavlom, jednam 25 vorsancho Gulab masik bond zata mhonn aikotanch Konknni vachpeank dhoko boslo. Mhaka-i ojap dislem. Fausto Costa-bab Konknnicho okhondd mogi oxem korunk divpachoch nhoi mhonn mhaka khatri asa. Mhozo padri ixtt sorgest Freddy Costa krutt legun dilear apunn jivo astanam apnnem suru kel’lem masik bond kortolo-xem disonam.
Oso dubav lagta, ki hea masikacher lipi-vadacho bi ddobhav poddunk na mum? Oxem-i zaum-ie Gulab toyar korpak Fausto babak dor mhoineak Mumboi thaun Gõyant yevpache tras poddtat nhoi? Vo her-ui khasgi proxn uprastat zaum-ie. Kitem-i zaum, 26 vorsam hea masikan itlo boro vavr kel’lo to atam nirfolli kiteak zavcho?
Vincent Carvalho,
Don Dhonianchi Seva
Don Dhonianchi Seva
- Ramkrishna Zuarkar
Duddu boro titlo vaitt. Bolsant aslear boro, mathear dovorlear vaitt. Magir to motint rigta. Duddvacho mog lagta ani mon’xancho mod vaddta.
Duddu zoddun zaite vhoddle duddvankar zaleat. Punn soglech duddvanche dhoni nhoi. Duddu tancho dhoni ani te duddvanche gulam’. Te duddvank khelloinant.Tor duddu tankam nachoitat. Naka zal’leo kornneo korunk laitat.
Dev amcho dhoni. Punn kaim zann duddvank-ui aplo dhoni mantat ani dogainchi seva korunk sodtat. Hi don dhonianchi seva sarki nhoi. Magir sorginchem sukh kitem tem somzonam. Duddvantuch sorg mandunk lagtat.
Zaite zann poixeanche axek boreponn ogddaitat. Rajkornni fuddari porjechi seva korta mhonntat. Punn tancho mogacho dhoni poiso zatokuch dogainchi seva korunk tankam avgodd zata. Tankam duddvanchi porva ani porjechi beporva zata. Duddvanche axek lagun boreo-boreo yevzonneo te padd ghaltat. Poixe kitle-i kelear as bagonam, lakh zatoch krutt korche-xe dista. Jinn sompchelo vell ailo torui poixeanchi as somponam. Te khuim dovorche, kitem korchem tem kollonam. Velean apovnnem ailear porian tancho jiv poiexam kodde oddta. Ani jiv modench humkollta.
Choddxe duddvanche gulam’ apunn Devachi seva korta, Deva aplo dhoni mhunn sangtat. Punn tancho mogacho dhoni duddu asta. Deva dhonia pav oxem te lokak dakhovnk mhonntat. Punn motint tanchea“Duddva dhonia pav”oxem asta.
Duddvamkar dev-bhokt mhunn dakhoitat te bhailean bore. Punn kallzant xanti nam. Duddvant Dev-bhokti ghalun ti godd korunk sodta. Punn dudant sakor ghalche bodlek dudant mitth ghal’lea vori zata. Devacho mog aslo tori-i duddvancho mod tantum mitth ghalta. Eka hatant Devosponnacho bavtto ani dusrea hatant poixeancho pottlo ghetlo mhunn sovong sobonam.
Somajik vavrant pasun poixeanchi as dhorlear somazachi seva sarki zainam. Porteo somazant dhoxi ghalchem kam’ ghiddta. Kaim zann devosponnan rajkoronn bhorxitat. Punn ti misoll sarki zainam.
Sahitik vavrant pasun duddu zaiti vatt laita. Sahitik vachpanchi porva korinastanam suvidha, sovloti ani puroskar sodunk lagta. Man naslear-ui cholta punn man-dhon zai oxem taka dista. Vachpeam koddlean puroskar ho khoro puroskar hem to visorta Ani sorkara koddlean puroskar ghevnk to axeta. Punn puroskaramnim purovlo zalear pasun tachi as somponam. Duddu ekvott foddunk mat huxar asta.
Halim don dhonianchi seva korchi sonvoim chodd zalea. Duddvank khupuch man divnk lagleat. Itlem-i asun adle gorib tori sukh dinant oxem dista. Kiteak tor tea kallar duddu amcho dhoni zavnk naslo. Atam mathear bosta.
Zaiteam zannank duddvantuch soglem sukh dista. Punn tantum sorginchem sukh sampddunk kotthin. Duddvanchem gulamponn soddun Devakuch dhoni manlear tem nizachem sukh mellum yeta.
- Ramkrishna Zuarkar
Duddu boro titlo vaitt. Bolsant aslear boro, mathear dovorlear vaitt. Magir to motint rigta. Duddvacho mog lagta ani mon’xancho mod vaddta.
Duddu zoddun zaite vhoddle duddvankar zaleat. Punn soglech duddvanche dhoni nhoi. Duddu tancho dhoni ani te duddvanche gulam’. Te duddvank khelloinant.Tor duddu tankam nachoitat. Naka zal’leo kornneo korunk laitat.
Dev amcho dhoni. Punn kaim zann duddvank-ui aplo dhoni mantat ani dogainchi seva korunk sodtat. Hi don dhonianchi seva sarki nhoi. Magir sorginchem sukh kitem tem somzonam. Duddvantuch sorg mandunk lagtat.
Zaite zann poixeanche axek boreponn ogddaitat. Rajkornni fuddari porjechi seva korta mhonntat. Punn tancho mogacho dhoni poiso zatokuch dogainchi seva korunk tankam avgodd zata. Tankam duddvanchi porva ani porjechi beporva zata. Duddvanche axek lagun boreo-boreo yevzonneo te padd ghaltat. Poixe kitle-i kelear as bagonam, lakh zatoch krutt korche-xe dista. Jinn sompchelo vell ailo torui poixeanchi as somponam. Te khuim dovorche, kitem korchem tem kollonam. Velean apovnnem ailear porian tancho jiv poiexam kodde oddta. Ani jiv modench humkollta.
Choddxe duddvanche gulam’ apunn Devachi seva korta, Deva aplo dhoni mhunn sangtat. Punn tancho mogacho dhoni duddu asta. Deva dhonia pav oxem te lokak dakhovnk mhonntat. Punn motint tanchea“Duddva dhonia pav”oxem asta.
Duddvamkar dev-bhokt mhunn dakhoitat te bhailean bore. Punn kallzant xanti nam. Duddvant Dev-bhokti ghalun ti godd korunk sodta. Punn dudant sakor ghalche bodlek dudant mitth ghal’lea vori zata. Devacho mog aslo tori-i duddvancho mod tantum mitth ghalta. Eka hatant Devosponnacho bavtto ani dusrea hatant poixeancho pottlo ghetlo mhunn sovong sobonam.
Somajik vavrant pasun poixeanchi as dhorlear somazachi seva sarki zainam. Porteo somazant dhoxi ghalchem kam’ ghiddta. Kaim zann devosponnan rajkoronn bhorxitat. Punn ti misoll sarki zainam.
Sahitik vavrant pasun duddu zaiti vatt laita. Sahitik vachpanchi porva korinastanam suvidha, sovloti ani puroskar sodunk lagta. Man naslear-ui cholta punn man-dhon zai oxem taka dista. Vachpeam koddlean puroskar ho khoro puroskar hem to visorta Ani sorkara koddlean puroskar ghevnk to axeta. Punn puroskaramnim purovlo zalear pasun tachi as somponam. Duddu ekvott foddunk mat huxar asta.
Halim don dhonianchi seva korchi sonvoim chodd zalea. Duddvank khupuch man divnk lagleat. Itlem-i asun adle gorib tori sukh dinant oxem dista. Kiteak tor tea kallar duddu amcho dhoni zavnk naslo. Atam mathear bosta.
Zaiteam zannank duddvantuch soglem sukh dista. Punn tantum sorginchem sukh sampddunk kotthin. Duddvanchem gulamponn soddun Devakuch dhoni manlear tem nizachem sukh mellum yeta.
Gulab-acho Rupea Utosvi Disa, Rajkarnni Kiteam ?



GULAB-cho Rupea Utsovi Disa, Rajkarnni Kiteak?
GULAB-acho Rupea Utsovi xevottacho suvallo Janereche 3rer 2008 zatalo mhonn Dezembr 2007, Gulab masikar ani internet-ar jahir zalam. Tech porim Fr. Freddy J D’Costa Memorial Trust-an ghoddun haddlole sohit’ya boropam spordeche jikhpeank inama bhettoitole ani toxench Konknni borovpeanche som’man zatelem mhonn kolloilam. Dobajeak Goyche Mukhel Montri Digambar Kamat ani NRI-Goa Commissioner Adv. Eduarto Faleiro manache soire koxe astele mhonn gomoilam.
Montreachea hatantlean Gulab Puroskar divnche nhoi ani svikar korteleank opman korcho nhoi mhonn Gulab Setembr 2005 Vachpi Boroitat hea bhagant hanvem boroilelem zalear, Gulab Puroskar-2005-2006 rajkarnni nasun Konknnink yogdan ditele namnechea mon’xachea hatantleant Gulab puroskar vanttpan ail’le mhonn ‘Gulab Puroskar Somitik Porbim’ divn Setembr 2007 Gulab-ar hanvem chitt boroileli asa.
Xevottak Rupea Utsovak mukhel soire dog rajkarnni monis astele ani mhaka dista tachech hatantlean ghoddie inamam bhettovpan yetlim ani vhodd Konknni borovpeancho som’nam zatolo, Zalear disonam tumkam ho 25vis vorsancho nirmoll ani koslench khott naslolo GULAB xevottak hea mon’xachea hatantlean bostovpan yetlo mhonn? Hea mon’xanim Konknni khatir kitlem yogdan dilam? Gulab-an 25vis vorsam apli nirmollai khantte-funttechi vatt cholun sambavlea zalear nimnnea vellar Gulab-acho bolatkar, Goychem padd kortelea ani broxttachar korpeanchea hatantleant kiteak? Ani konnuch vhodda manache Konknnink yogdan dil’le mahan monis nant kai? He vellar mhaka ontor’raxttrik songitkar Remo Fernandes babachi yad yeta. Goy luttat tanchea hatantlean Goa State Award svikar korunk tannem nakarlolo asa.
Gulab-chea Rupea Utsovi Dobajeak sogllo ies anvddetanam, Konknni khatir koslench yogdan korunk naslelea mon’xanchea hatantlean inam ghevn Gulab-acho pormollit pormoll ibaddinakat.
Lino B. Dourado
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Sunil Palkar - Konkani Poet
Palkar’s ‘Maye Mate’ selected for poets’symposium 2008
NT News Service
Panaji, Jan 15 : Konkani poet Sunil Palkar has been selected for this year’s All India Akashwani Multi-lingual Poets’ meet by Akashwani, Panaji.
His poetry ‘Maye mate’ has been selected for the National Poets’ Symposium 2008. A publicity-shy Mr Palkar has been writing Konkani poetry for over a quarter century, the pressnote here says and adds that he has also handled other literary works such as children’s literature and one-act plays.
His ‘Nagin’ (collection of poems) and ‘Rangmanch’ (one-act plays) have been published. He has compiled songs of national spirit of various Konkani poets all over India, and this collection is in the process of being published. His collection of songs on nationalism of only Goan poets called ‘Rashtrajyot’ has been published. Most of his poems usually take the form of songs, the press release says. He has to his credit a collection of more than 200 abhang (hymns). His songs and abhangs are regularly broadcast over Akashwani.
Palkar has acted in the Konkani film ‘Akant’ as well as in tiatrs. The national symposium of poetry will take place at Akashwani, Nagpur on January 17 and the same will be broadcast on January 25 on the eve of the Republic Day.
- Forwarded by
Goa's Pride -
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter (Since 1994) archived at
Moderated by Gaspar Almeida & presented by Ulysses Menezes
Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.
NT News Service
Panaji, Jan 15 : Konkani poet Sunil Palkar has been selected for this year’s All India Akashwani Multi-lingual Poets’ meet by Akashwani, Panaji.
His poetry ‘Maye mate’ has been selected for the National Poets’ Symposium 2008. A publicity-shy Mr Palkar has been writing Konkani poetry for over a quarter century, the pressnote here says and adds that he has also handled other literary works such as children’s literature and one-act plays.
His ‘Nagin’ (collection of poems) and ‘Rangmanch’ (one-act plays) have been published. He has compiled songs of national spirit of various Konkani poets all over India, and this collection is in the process of being published. His collection of songs on nationalism of only Goan poets called ‘Rashtrajyot’ has been published. Most of his poems usually take the form of songs, the press release says. He has to his credit a collection of more than 200 abhang (hymns). His songs and abhangs are regularly broadcast over Akashwani.
Palkar has acted in the Konkani film ‘Akant’ as well as in tiatrs. The national symposium of poetry will take place at Akashwani, Nagpur on January 17 and the same will be broadcast on January 25 on the eve of the Republic Day.
- Forwarded by
Goa's Pride -
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter (Since 1994) archived at
Moderated by Gaspar Almeida & presented by Ulysses Menezes
Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Udok Doxim Zait,Rogot Doxim Zainam
Voparinchea Bhanddarantlem:
“Udok Doxim Zait,Rogot Doxim Zainam”
Mhojea bhur-geaponnaveli mhaka zaite pavtti yad yeta.Sanje vellar ami chukoinastanam khellunk vetale. Kednam-i mogan khelltale, kednam-i zhogoddtale. Amche modem dog bhav asle. Eka bhavak konnem-i chavoi-lear vo tache kodde konn-ui zhogoddlear dusro bhav tachea adarak yetalo ani tachea bhavak challoito-leak boddoitalo. Hea bhavanche vattek vochunk ami bhiyetale.Tannim vaitt porian kelear ami ogich sostale, boslole kodden mar konn khatolo! Heam bhavancho ekvott pollevn hanv ojap zatalom.Tancho ghorabo ekvottit urtolo oxem hanv somzotalom.
Xetant ner zalo
Punn oxem ghoddonk nam.Te dog-ui logn zatoch tanchea ghorant tancheo bailo aileo. Ekvottachea biamnim ner vompun geleo. Ghorak, bhattak lagun kestanvam suru zalim.Gharant modekotuch ek vonnot ubi zali. . . atam ekamekachem tondd legit disonam.Eka bhavan paik vhela ani dusrea bhavak maim dilea. . . tanche-i vantte keleat! ‘Rogot kednach doxim zainam’him utram mhojem mon ghansaitat.
Dovlot zogddim laita
Punn dusrea vordan anik eka ganvant halinch hanvem dogam bhavanchi khobor aiko-lea.Te-i ghor-bhattak zhogoddtale. Duddvanche axen tankam doxim kel’le. Apleak poddta to ghor-bhattacho vantto mellovn ghevnk te ‘court’- ant pavlole. Ekamekache vhodd dusman! Okosmat vhoddlea bhavacheo don-ui ‘kidney feil’ zaleo. Kitle duddu korchunk toyar, punn ‘kidney’ mellonam ani ek-dog zann poixeanche axek apli ‘kidney’ vikunk fuddem sorunk sodtale, punn tache kidneyk ‘match’ zainam. Konn ekleachi kidney ‘match’ zali ani tea don-ui kidney ‘feil’ zaleleacho jiv vattailo.
Konn pavlo?
Zannant tumi hea piddestak konn pavlo to? Tacho nizacho dusman mhonn somzotalo tacho dhaktto bhav. Taka zaiteam oddchonneank fuddo korunk poddlem, punn to fattim sorlonam. Apli ‘match’ zateli ek kidney oxem mhaka dislem.
Lhanponnim ekvottant
Punn hi ghoddnni soddlear, az amkam ekvottachem chitr titlem sobit disonam. Lhan astanam avoy-bapai vangdda bhurgim khoxal-kayen jiyetat. Bhav-bhoinnancho ekvott sasnnak togpacho oso dista. Punn vaddtam-vaddtam hea ekvottachea chitrak konn tori apleponn-acho lep kaddta. Ghor-bhatt avoy-bapaichem, punn bhurgim tanchim vantteak zhogoddtat. Dot divn logn kel’li dhuv kaidean aplo vantto sodta.
Avoy-bapaichem rinn asa zalear tanche vantte korun, farik korunk konn sodinant, punn avoy-bapaichem kitem aslea-ruch bhurgeank tacho vantto zai. Vostu borobor mon’xanche-i vantte kortat.
Dusmankayecheo vontti
Ekach ghorant jiyetanam thoim dusman-kayecheo vontteo ubeo keleat. Mon’zaitichem, bhurgean-chem nib ghevn heo vontteo tim mozbut korit asat. Eka ghorant don pavtti Saibinnichi bhett, punn konn-ui denngi magunk gelear divchi poddta mhonn ekuch ghor mhonn eklo dusreacher lott’ta.Thoddeanchea ekach ghorak don ank poddleat. Ekach ghorak bizlechim,udkachim, kebolachim, fonachim, veg-vegllim bilam yetat. Bhurgim kaim ekameka lagim zhogddonkuch nant, punn bhav-bhavanche dusmankayek lagun tankam te ekameka lagim ulovnk dinant. Ekach ghorant ravtonam,vonttik kan aslolea bhaxen ,dusre bazun kitem uloita tem mud’dom aikun bhava-bhavak ganvar ghala. Dusrea vordan konn bhitor sorta to he vatten ravtoleancho dusman zata. Tantum logn zal’lem cheddum tancho uzo perounk yeta. Oslea ghorabeant mog nam, xanti nam, bhogsonnem nam. Ani velean misak vetat, Jezuchi kudd xevtat .
Distea bhava-bhoinnink ollkonam ani man dinam zalear, diso-nas-olea Devak koso ollkhotolo ani man ditolo kai? Oslea rogtan doxim zal’lea ghorabeak bhorvan-so nam? Asa.
Eka ankvar cheddvacho fuddar porzollit distalo. Punn okosmat ticheo don-ui kidney cholonam zaleo. Soglleak akant. Tichi ek madr bhoinn apleo kidney aple bhoinnik lagtat teo pollevn vhodddilanchi porvangi ghevn apli ek kidney aplea bhoinnik lagta ti pollevn aple kidney-chi aple bhoinnik bhett keli. Kedo vhoddlo sacrifis .Az piddest bhoinn aple madr bhoinnichi kidney ghalun khoxal jivit jiyeta. Osleam ghoddnneancher niall kelear rogot sompeponnim doxim zainam mhonn spoxtt zata.
Amcheruch nodor ghalchi
Ami kosle doxer asanv tacher ami lokx ghalchem. Dusmankayecheam vontteamnim ami somazant vaitt nirop ditat mhonn ani jem jivit ami jiyetat tache vorvim ami Devak okman kortat mhonn niall korcho. Doxim zal’lem rogot ekttaim haddunk konnem tori fuddarak ghevcho. Kantte toptole. Koddu lagtolem, punn bhorvanxean vatt tanktoleak pormollit fulam ani rosrosit follam melltolim.
Nevel Vell'lekar
“Udok Doxim Zait,Rogot Doxim Zainam”
Mhojea bhur-geaponnaveli mhaka zaite pavtti yad yeta.Sanje vellar ami chukoinastanam khellunk vetale. Kednam-i mogan khelltale, kednam-i zhogoddtale. Amche modem dog bhav asle. Eka bhavak konnem-i chavoi-lear vo tache kodde konn-ui zhogoddlear dusro bhav tachea adarak yetalo ani tachea bhavak challoito-leak boddoitalo. Hea bhavanche vattek vochunk ami bhiyetale.Tannim vaitt porian kelear ami ogich sostale, boslole kodden mar konn khatolo! Heam bhavancho ekvott pollevn hanv ojap zatalom.Tancho ghorabo ekvottit urtolo oxem hanv somzotalom.
Xetant ner zalo
Punn oxem ghoddonk nam.Te dog-ui logn zatoch tanchea ghorant tancheo bailo aileo. Ekvottachea biamnim ner vompun geleo. Ghorak, bhattak lagun kestanvam suru zalim.Gharant modekotuch ek vonnot ubi zali. . . atam ekamekachem tondd legit disonam.Eka bhavan paik vhela ani dusrea bhavak maim dilea. . . tanche-i vantte keleat! ‘Rogot kednach doxim zainam’him utram mhojem mon ghansaitat.
Dovlot zogddim laita
Punn dusrea vordan anik eka ganvant halinch hanvem dogam bhavanchi khobor aiko-lea.Te-i ghor-bhattak zhogoddtale. Duddvanche axen tankam doxim kel’le. Apleak poddta to ghor-bhattacho vantto mellovn ghevnk te ‘court’- ant pavlole. Ekamekache vhodd dusman! Okosmat vhoddlea bhavacheo don-ui ‘kidney feil’ zaleo. Kitle duddu korchunk toyar, punn ‘kidney’ mellonam ani ek-dog zann poixeanche axek apli ‘kidney’ vikunk fuddem sorunk sodtale, punn tache kidneyk ‘match’ zainam. Konn ekleachi kidney ‘match’ zali ani tea don-ui kidney ‘feil’ zaleleacho jiv vattailo.
Konn pavlo?
Zannant tumi hea piddestak konn pavlo to? Tacho nizacho dusman mhonn somzotalo tacho dhaktto bhav. Taka zaiteam oddchonneank fuddo korunk poddlem, punn to fattim sorlonam. Apli ‘match’ zateli ek kidney oxem mhaka dislem.
Lhanponnim ekvottant
Punn hi ghoddnni soddlear, az amkam ekvottachem chitr titlem sobit disonam. Lhan astanam avoy-bapai vangdda bhurgim khoxal-kayen jiyetat. Bhav-bhoinnancho ekvott sasnnak togpacho oso dista. Punn vaddtam-vaddtam hea ekvottachea chitrak konn tori apleponn-acho lep kaddta. Ghor-bhatt avoy-bapaichem, punn bhurgim tanchim vantteak zhogoddtat. Dot divn logn kel’li dhuv kaidean aplo vantto sodta.
Avoy-bapaichem rinn asa zalear tanche vantte korun, farik korunk konn sodinant, punn avoy-bapaichem kitem aslea-ruch bhurgeank tacho vantto zai. Vostu borobor mon’xanche-i vantte kortat.
Dusmankayecheo vontti
Ekach ghorant jiyetanam thoim dusman-kayecheo vontteo ubeo keleat. Mon’zaitichem, bhurgean-chem nib ghevn heo vontteo tim mozbut korit asat. Eka ghorant don pavtti Saibinnichi bhett, punn konn-ui denngi magunk gelear divchi poddta mhonn ekuch ghor mhonn eklo dusreacher lott’ta.Thoddeanchea ekach ghorak don ank poddleat. Ekach ghorak bizlechim,udkachim, kebolachim, fonachim, veg-vegllim bilam yetat. Bhurgim kaim ekameka lagim zhogddonkuch nant, punn bhav-bhavanche dusmankayek lagun tankam te ekameka lagim ulovnk dinant. Ekach ghorant ravtonam,vonttik kan aslolea bhaxen ,dusre bazun kitem uloita tem mud’dom aikun bhava-bhavak ganvar ghala. Dusrea vordan konn bhitor sorta to he vatten ravtoleancho dusman zata. Tantum logn zal’lem cheddum tancho uzo perounk yeta. Oslea ghorabeant mog nam, xanti nam, bhogsonnem nam. Ani velean misak vetat, Jezuchi kudd xevtat .
Distea bhava-bhoinnink ollkonam ani man dinam zalear, diso-nas-olea Devak koso ollkhotolo ani man ditolo kai? Oslea rogtan doxim zal’lea ghorabeak bhorvan-so nam? Asa.
Eka ankvar cheddvacho fuddar porzollit distalo. Punn okosmat ticheo don-ui kidney cholonam zaleo. Soglleak akant. Tichi ek madr bhoinn apleo kidney aple bhoinnik lagtat teo pollevn vhodddilanchi porvangi ghevn apli ek kidney aplea bhoinnik lagta ti pollevn aple kidney-chi aple bhoinnik bhett keli. Kedo vhoddlo sacrifis .Az piddest bhoinn aple madr bhoinnichi kidney ghalun khoxal jivit jiyeta. Osleam ghoddnneancher niall kelear rogot sompeponnim doxim zainam mhonn spoxtt zata.
Amcheruch nodor ghalchi
Ami kosle doxer asanv tacher ami lokx ghalchem. Dusmankayecheam vontteamnim ami somazant vaitt nirop ditat mhonn ani jem jivit ami jiyetat tache vorvim ami Devak okman kortat mhonn niall korcho. Doxim zal’lem rogot ekttaim haddunk konnem tori fuddarak ghevcho. Kantte toptole. Koddu lagtolem, punn bhorvanxean vatt tanktoleak pormollit fulam ani rosrosit follam melltolim.
Nevel Vell'lekar
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Return of the Language Row
Return of the Language Row
Marathi can never be considered for the official language status in Goa
By R. Cabral
If many saw Union Finance Minister Jaswant Singh's maiden national budget as a populist exercise aimed at taking BJP's tally to around 300 at a likely mid-term Lok Sabha poll in the immediate future, Manohar Parrikar in Goa has signalled his readiness for such an eventuality by unfolding yet another virtually tax-free, populist but undoubtedly a growth oriented budget.
In his third consecutive budget, which has spared the common man from any fresh levies, Chief Minister Parrikar has tried to further widen the scope of budget exercise, which several of his predecessors had turned into a mere annual ritual.
With employment schemes galore, Parrikar is consistently broad-basing his constituency by targeting the younger generation, which he began last by mooting the innovative training cum employment scheme. Seen from purely a vote-bank perspective, Parrikar is consolidating his political base through every budget by reaching to diverse sectors and segments of the population like youth, senior citizens, women, backward communities which, by and large, remained beyond its scope hitherto. Be that as it may, in no way that can undermine Parrikar's political acumen and fiscal skills at piecing together yet another budget full of novel schemes and innovative concepts.
The budget for 2003-04 has hiked excise on liquor marginally and given further incentives to tourism sector by extending the luxury tax off-season tariffs from four months to six months, waived interest and penalty on sales tax overdue, etc. However, he has targeted the high end hospitality industry by seeking to amend the Gambling Act to discourage gambling by restricting the entry of "vulnerable strata of the society" by slapping a Rs.200 per individual entry fee on places of gambling and casinos. He has proposed to enhance the licensing and registration fees under the Tourist Trade Act and to bring in more activities under its purview and ensure better regulation.
In the Rs.3155crore budget, the Chief Minister has tried to concentrate on debt and expenditure management for the tiny State by ostensibly trying to keep borrowing level under control. Goa will implement the much publicised value added tax (VAT) from July1, 2003 by simultaneously abolishing existing entry tax except for petroleum products. All other exemptions will also remain operative till the introduction of VAT. A novel insurance cum gratuity scheme has been introduced for sales tax dealers registered with the department.
In order to help cinema theatres to make them financially viable, the government has reduced the entertainment tax from present 60% to 40%. In a "soft" budget, otherwise, liquor has borne the brunt of marginal dose of taxation. Parrikar has tried to rationalise structure of excise duties and augment revenues by making certain changes in the existing rate structures in various categories of the liquor including IMFL and beer. A health surcharge of 1% will be imposed on the excise duty as well as license fees and the proceeds will be channelled to support and encourage setting up of de-addiction centres by voluntary organisations.
Taking the angle of social cost of growing liquor addiction, the government has sought to discourage the proliferation of the liquor outlets by enhancing application fee for new licenses steeply, but spared the tourism areas. Advertisements promoting all liquor products will be strictly banned by amending the relevant laws.
Extending the "user charge" concept for services provided by government agencies -for those who can afford to pay- introduced by him successfully in last two budgets, Parrikar has introduced nominal fees in the health care system, especially for the advanced diagnostic facilities provided in government
hospitals. The Chief Minister advocates "user charges" concept to imbibe a sense of accountability in the government departments vis-à-vis the citizens.
A relief to the housing sector has been accorded by reducing the Stamp Duty on properties to 5% from 8% and the co-operative sector, which had been exempted from it, will now have to pay 2.5%. In the sphere of higher education, the budget has sought to revise fees structure of colleges to partially cover the increasing costs incurred to provide requisite infrastructure. As a revenue generating measure, the government will tax all kinds of lotteries including on-line ones at 20%. A cess on use of government property to lay cables by various service providers including telecom and cable operators is also on the cards.
One striking feature of this budget with an uncovered deficit of Rs.5.12 crore, is its massive thrust on retention, generation and encouragement of employment in sectors like agriculture, animal husbandry, apart from industries. This is sought to be done through a three-pronged strategy of retention of employment in the traditional sectors such as agriculture and allied activities by making them remunerative, creation of large scale employment by providing incentives to industries to employ people on a sustainable basis, and encoura-gement to self employment. He has proposed to set up "Krishi ghars" which will act as collection, sorting, storage and selling centres for agriculture and horticulture products at various locations.
The budget has given a lot of emphasis on self employment opportunities in traditional occupations by proposing to set up of an "Employment Board" which would provide guidance cum placement facilities for those sections who are otherwise not eligible for employment in government or other organisations, training facilities in various semi skilled activities like hair cutting, tailoring, plumbing, masonry, tourist guides etc, through government establishments are part of the budget proposals.
Talking of state revenues, Parrikar claimed that the revenue receipts of the State have registered a handsome increase of almost 58% during the period of last three years. On the non-tax front, a phenomenal increase of more than 200 per cent in just three years has been achieved thanks to an agreement with Power Trading Corporation (PTC) for sale of surplus power and successful re-negotiation of the power purchase agreement with Reliance Salgaocar Power Corporation Limited (RSPCL).
The budgetary allocations to various departments have been hiked considerably. There is no doubt that the Plan expenditure has increased consistently over the last two years from Rs.251.69 crore in 1999-2000 to around Rs. 593 crore in the current year. Parrikar said that this increase has been achieved with a much lower proportion of increase in borrowings. The net fiscal deficit, which is a broad indicator of loans taken for defraying current expenditure has increased marginally from Rs.412.86 crore in 2000-01 to Rs 415.27crore in the revised estimates of the current year.
The only area of concern has been the revenue deficit, which has increased marginally from Rs.88.61 crore, as projected, to Rs.104.48 crore at the revised estimate stage. The Chief Minister intends to eliminate revenue deficit completely by the year 2004-05.
Generation of sustainable employment has been made the central focus of Goa's industrial policy with a provision of Rs.33 crore towards several schemes like "employment subsidy scheme" for industries which provide employment to local youth, "share capital contribution to local entrepr-eneurs and self employed", "venture capital contribution scheme" and an "interest subsidy" scheme. A Rs.8 crore provision has been made for clearing old capital investment subsidy.
The "Cyberage Age Student" scheme, introduced last year under which government has distributed 1500 personal computers to science students of XI, will be extended to all streams of XI students by expanding its cope to include supply of educational software. Internet connectivity at a nominal rate is also being considered for inclusion. A budget provision of Rs.25 crore has been made for this purpose. The "Mid School Meal" scheme will be implemented in the coming year in more talukas.
The infrastructure development scheme to assist schools for development of infrastructure is also being extended to the colleges during the next year. All government primary schools will be provided with drinking water and toilet facilities.
In order to protect the workers from severe financial distress arising out of retrenchments, the government will launch a new scheme called "Retrenchment Workers' Assistance Scheme". As an indication of his government's commitment to reduce vehicular pollution, he proposes to make all transport vehicles of more than 15 years age go off the roads from 1st October 2003. A "green cess" on non-transport vehicles which are more than 15 years old has been proposed.
Serious about fiscal management, Parrikar has introduced a novel concept of online cash management system connecting Directorate of Accounts and Finance Department as management of expenditure is an important aspect of control of expenditure.
The Chief Minister intends to peg fiscal deficit to below 3 per cent on a permanent basis. As the proportion of tax and non-tax revenue has improved steadily from around 53 per cent in 2000-01 to 60 per cent in the revised estimates for 2002-03, in the next fiscal year he expects this figure to increase to 62 per cent. Consequently, the borrowings as a percentage of receipts will come down from 35 per cent to 26 per cent during the same time frame. On the expenditure front,p the proportion of salaries, wages and other establishment expenditure has dropped from 41 per cent in 2001-02 to 37 percent in 2002-03 (RE). He has promised to bring it down to 36 per cent during the year 2003-04.
(Goa Today/April 2003)
Marathi can never be considered for the official language status in Goa
By R. Cabral
If many saw Union Finance Minister Jaswant Singh's maiden national budget as a populist exercise aimed at taking BJP's tally to around 300 at a likely mid-term Lok Sabha poll in the immediate future, Manohar Parrikar in Goa has signalled his readiness for such an eventuality by unfolding yet another virtually tax-free, populist but undoubtedly a growth oriented budget.
In his third consecutive budget, which has spared the common man from any fresh levies, Chief Minister Parrikar has tried to further widen the scope of budget exercise, which several of his predecessors had turned into a mere annual ritual.
With employment schemes galore, Parrikar is consistently broad-basing his constituency by targeting the younger generation, which he began last by mooting the innovative training cum employment scheme. Seen from purely a vote-bank perspective, Parrikar is consolidating his political base through every budget by reaching to diverse sectors and segments of the population like youth, senior citizens, women, backward communities which, by and large, remained beyond its scope hitherto. Be that as it may, in no way that can undermine Parrikar's political acumen and fiscal skills at piecing together yet another budget full of novel schemes and innovative concepts.
The budget for 2003-04 has hiked excise on liquor marginally and given further incentives to tourism sector by extending the luxury tax off-season tariffs from four months to six months, waived interest and penalty on sales tax overdue, etc. However, he has targeted the high end hospitality industry by seeking to amend the Gambling Act to discourage gambling by restricting the entry of "vulnerable strata of the society" by slapping a Rs.200 per individual entry fee on places of gambling and casinos. He has proposed to enhance the licensing and registration fees under the Tourist Trade Act and to bring in more activities under its purview and ensure better regulation.
In the Rs.3155crore budget, the Chief Minister has tried to concentrate on debt and expenditure management for the tiny State by ostensibly trying to keep borrowing level under control. Goa will implement the much publicised value added tax (VAT) from July1, 2003 by simultaneously abolishing existing entry tax except for petroleum products. All other exemptions will also remain operative till the introduction of VAT. A novel insurance cum gratuity scheme has been introduced for sales tax dealers registered with the department.
In order to help cinema theatres to make them financially viable, the government has reduced the entertainment tax from present 60% to 40%. In a "soft" budget, otherwise, liquor has borne the brunt of marginal dose of taxation. Parrikar has tried to rationalise structure of excise duties and augment revenues by making certain changes in the existing rate structures in various categories of the liquor including IMFL and beer. A health surcharge of 1% will be imposed on the excise duty as well as license fees and the proceeds will be channelled to support and encourage setting up of de-addiction centres by voluntary organisations.
Taking the angle of social cost of growing liquor addiction, the government has sought to discourage the proliferation of the liquor outlets by enhancing application fee for new licenses steeply, but spared the tourism areas. Advertisements promoting all liquor products will be strictly banned by amending the relevant laws.
Extending the "user charge" concept for services provided by government agencies -for those who can afford to pay- introduced by him successfully in last two budgets, Parrikar has introduced nominal fees in the health care system, especially for the advanced diagnostic facilities provided in government
hospitals. The Chief Minister advocates "user charges" concept to imbibe a sense of accountability in the government departments vis-à-vis the citizens.
A relief to the housing sector has been accorded by reducing the Stamp Duty on properties to 5% from 8% and the co-operative sector, which had been exempted from it, will now have to pay 2.5%. In the sphere of higher education, the budget has sought to revise fees structure of colleges to partially cover the increasing costs incurred to provide requisite infrastructure. As a revenue generating measure, the government will tax all kinds of lotteries including on-line ones at 20%. A cess on use of government property to lay cables by various service providers including telecom and cable operators is also on the cards.
One striking feature of this budget with an uncovered deficit of Rs.5.12 crore, is its massive thrust on retention, generation and encouragement of employment in sectors like agriculture, animal husbandry, apart from industries. This is sought to be done through a three-pronged strategy of retention of employment in the traditional sectors such as agriculture and allied activities by making them remunerative, creation of large scale employment by providing incentives to industries to employ people on a sustainable basis, and encoura-gement to self employment. He has proposed to set up "Krishi ghars" which will act as collection, sorting, storage and selling centres for agriculture and horticulture products at various locations.
The budget has given a lot of emphasis on self employment opportunities in traditional occupations by proposing to set up of an "Employment Board" which would provide guidance cum placement facilities for those sections who are otherwise not eligible for employment in government or other organisations, training facilities in various semi skilled activities like hair cutting, tailoring, plumbing, masonry, tourist guides etc, through government establishments are part of the budget proposals.
Talking of state revenues, Parrikar claimed that the revenue receipts of the State have registered a handsome increase of almost 58% during the period of last three years. On the non-tax front, a phenomenal increase of more than 200 per cent in just three years has been achieved thanks to an agreement with Power Trading Corporation (PTC) for sale of surplus power and successful re-negotiation of the power purchase agreement with Reliance Salgaocar Power Corporation Limited (RSPCL).
The budgetary allocations to various departments have been hiked considerably. There is no doubt that the Plan expenditure has increased consistently over the last two years from Rs.251.69 crore in 1999-2000 to around Rs. 593 crore in the current year. Parrikar said that this increase has been achieved with a much lower proportion of increase in borrowings. The net fiscal deficit, which is a broad indicator of loans taken for defraying current expenditure has increased marginally from Rs.412.86 crore in 2000-01 to Rs 415.27crore in the revised estimates of the current year.
The only area of concern has been the revenue deficit, which has increased marginally from Rs.88.61 crore, as projected, to Rs.104.48 crore at the revised estimate stage. The Chief Minister intends to eliminate revenue deficit completely by the year 2004-05.
Generation of sustainable employment has been made the central focus of Goa's industrial policy with a provision of Rs.33 crore towards several schemes like "employment subsidy scheme" for industries which provide employment to local youth, "share capital contribution to local entrepr-eneurs and self employed", "venture capital contribution scheme" and an "interest subsidy" scheme. A Rs.8 crore provision has been made for clearing old capital investment subsidy.
The "Cyberage Age Student" scheme, introduced last year under which government has distributed 1500 personal computers to science students of XI, will be extended to all streams of XI students by expanding its cope to include supply of educational software. Internet connectivity at a nominal rate is also being considered for inclusion. A budget provision of Rs.25 crore has been made for this purpose. The "Mid School Meal" scheme will be implemented in the coming year in more talukas.
The infrastructure development scheme to assist schools for development of infrastructure is also being extended to the colleges during the next year. All government primary schools will be provided with drinking water and toilet facilities.
In order to protect the workers from severe financial distress arising out of retrenchments, the government will launch a new scheme called "Retrenchment Workers' Assistance Scheme". As an indication of his government's commitment to reduce vehicular pollution, he proposes to make all transport vehicles of more than 15 years age go off the roads from 1st October 2003. A "green cess" on non-transport vehicles which are more than 15 years old has been proposed.
Serious about fiscal management, Parrikar has introduced a novel concept of online cash management system connecting Directorate of Accounts and Finance Department as management of expenditure is an important aspect of control of expenditure.
The Chief Minister intends to peg fiscal deficit to below 3 per cent on a permanent basis. As the proportion of tax and non-tax revenue has improved steadily from around 53 per cent in 2000-01 to 60 per cent in the revised estimates for 2002-03, in the next fiscal year he expects this figure to increase to 62 per cent. Consequently, the borrowings as a percentage of receipts will come down from 35 per cent to 26 per cent during the same time frame. On the expenditure front,p the proportion of salaries, wages and other establishment expenditure has dropped from 41 per cent in 2001-02 to 37 percent in 2002-03 (RE). He has promised to bring it down to 36 per cent during the year 2003-04.
(Goa Today/April 2003)
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