“Bad Boys”
‘Good’ vostunchi khobor mellta
“Bad Boys” hem nanvuch aikun kampero sutt'ta-so dista, karonn 'bad' hem utor mon’xachea unnem molacho dorzo dakoita. Mathew-bab Araujon apli poili VCD heach nanvan uzvaddailea. He VCD-int Araujo bab adhunik kallar ghoddtat tosleo ghoddnneo uzvadda haddta. Ghorchim usko dhortat, ghorchea vhoddilacho punn tancheo xiddkavnneo to bherea kanar ghalta. Thoddim, ghoracho vhoddil koslem kam’ korta tem pollenastana, tacher dubav ghaltat, kimtiche vostunche axek lagun hacho porinnam’ koslo zata tem he VCD-int soroll spoxtt kela. Dor eka kantaran hi VCD nettoilea. Dha-i kantaram molachi xikovnn (value based) dilea. Monisponnachea totvancher attaplelim asat ani mon’xak apli zababdari visvaxiponnan samballunk, zagoitat, dekik kanknnam, moladik vostu, zomin, ekuch Dev. Toxench supurlo Maythan amchea dolleantlim dukham vhanvoilea bogor ravona. Onath bhurgeachi churchureanchi poristhiti spoxtt korta. Bab Eldair aplea komik kantaran amkam hansoit, nachoit urber dovorta ani margayen amchi ghot kitem zalea hem chitarun raj choloiteleanchea tonddant koddu pil'lam ghalea bogor ravona. He VCD-int favo titlem hanspachem pixem lavunk Selvy ani Agostinho hajir asat.
“Bad Boys” he VCD-int jem dakoll kelam tem hea adhunik kallar ekdom gorjechem ani dekichem. “Vaitt vaittanuch mellta” ho sondex amkam he VCD-intlean porgott zata. Bhag ghetlolea dor eklean apli bhumika bes bori kelea. Aplea suvadik tallean gitantlim bhavnam ugddapim korun, ek-eklea gavpean xembhor tok’ke diun dor eka gitak nit kel'li amkam thavi zata. He VCD-int mon dipkaita toslem soimbik chitr favo te porim manddun haddlam. Araujo baban aplea boroupant ani digdorxonant, apunn-ui unchlea panvddear asa mhunn xik'ko marla.
He VCD-intlea dor eklea kolakorak, gayonak, komik kortoleak amchi xabaski pattoitana, Bapacho axirvad tumcher ani tumchea kolecher ami magtanv. Boro sondex tuvem sodanch diunk tuzo vavr machier chalu dovorcho mhunn amchem magnnem. Kherit porbim Bab Maythan ani Eldair-ak, hanv mhonntolom aslom “Tumkam lamb auk asa, Devachea axirvadan fuddem chantt marat….” Mathew Araujo xabaski tuka, amcho ani amchea soglleancho axirvad tuka. Ghoddta titleamni hi VCD gheun pollet zalear mhojean khatren mhonnum ieta borem xikop tumi gheunk pavtole. Somazache goticho thav tumi ghetole.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Vachpi Boroitat - V-Ixtt Potrar
Vachpi Boroitat
Familimni Ekvott gorjecho
Atanchem jivit sarkench vegllem zalam, amche modlem bhokti jivit adle porim atam disona. Bhurgeam lagim vell sarunk avoi-bapaik fursot mellona. Kiteak avoi-bapui aplea kamak vetat zalear bhurgim aplea iskolak vo kolejik vetat. Dekun bhurgim magir hache-tache lagim vochun vaitt margar pavtat. Hachem karonn, ghorant ekvott ghott asunk gorjechem. Avoi-bapain apnnak tankona porian zalear khoinchean-ui vell kuxin dovrun aplea bhurgeank diunk zai. Tankam gorjecheo vostuch dilear zaina, tankam borem xist xikovpachem asta. Hem atanchea kallar unnem zait veta. Tanchem xikop koxem zata, tim kitem kortat, koxim vagtat hem sogllem polleunk avoi-bapaichi vhoddli zababdari. Hi zababdari avoi- bapain bhov fikirin pallunk zai. Tednach bhurgim borim zaunk pavtolim mhonn bhorvanso asa.
Natividade de Sa, Kankona
Kochreachea proxnak konn zababdar?
Gõyant aiz kochreacho proxn boreach nettan cholta. Aiz lok kochreachea proxnak lagun sorkaracho guneanv kortat, tache add uloitat ani morcha kaddun rostear ietat. Punn ho aplo kochro koso poisauncho, tacho vilo koso launcho hacher mat ek zomat ghevn vichar korpak kednach chintinant. Apnna udexim toyar zalolea kochreak fokot sorkaruch zababdar zalolea pormannem vagtat. Aiz tor dor eka mon’xan, ani kherit bhaxen kochreachea prox-nachi oddchonn zatoleamni ekttaim yeun kochrea vixim aplea hatant aslolo upai ghetlolo zalear kai borem zatolem aslem! Utt’ta-bosta sorkarak bottam dakoun guneanvkar korop hem sarkem nhoi. Barik ami ievjilear, Gõykarank nitollsannichem mon ani mhotv na mhunn kollun ieta. Amche sorbhonvtim pollelear, bhou korun mukhel xaramni ami koso-kat kochro kortanv tem ugteponnim disun ieta. Ami ugtea zagear kitem-i khatanv, ani kochro khuimsor-ui birkaun martanv, ani ami amchench vatavoronn mhellem kortanv.
Delfina Dias, Verna
Gõyant gunddagiri vaddta
Gõyant amchea gunddagirinchem raj vaddot asa. Sotak ani nitik zago zago na oxem dista. Je monis sotan cholunk sodinant te monis danddea-gunddeanchem boll vaprun aplem khorem korunk vavurtat. Halinchea vorsamni ghatki kortubam ani marop chodd zata. Chuki zatat mhonn marun boddoun ghatkeponn korun sot ani nit kednach mellum nozo. Oslim kortubam amche rajkoronnantlea mon’xamni suru keleant mhonnlear hanv chukchonam. Chuki zatat teo nittayer ghalpak zaite bore upai asat. Atanchea kallar svatank lagun pachayatincheo zomati zatat tednam kitli zobordosti cholta tem ami pollelam. Somjikai gheun vostu tharear ghalpak zainaslolea porim vagtat. Dekun ganvamni zhogddim ani dusmankayo vaddot asat. Oslem kitem vankddem ubzota tednam ganvantlea somjikayechea mon’xamni fuddem sorun xanti-somadan korunk vavurlear motte proxn mhonn somzotat te legun suttave zaunk xoktole.
Xavier Fernandes,
Nanvachem odhivexon?
Fattlea satolleant Gõy Vidhan Sobhechem bhou thoddea disank odhivexon (session) zalem tem vichitruch dislem. Tem odhivexon korunk zai mhunn kelam oxem dista. Tantum koslich gombhirtai disunk na. Hachevelean, sorkarak porjechea boreponnachem kitlem poddlam, ani porjechea boreponna vixim chgintunk tankam kitlo vell asa tem disun ieta. Amche udorgoti khatir ami amchim moladik motam ghalun sorkarak vinchun kaddtanv, ani jea kama khatir ami sorkarak vinchun kaddla to amche hetu visorla.
Caetano Fernandes, Tilamol
Kochro, plastik poteo udkant kiteak?
Gõycho lok adim khup nitollkai samballtalo, punn atam jivituch veglle vatten-tlean cholta mhonnchem poddta. Lokan atam flettamni ravpachem kelam ani aplea ghoramni kochro zata to haddun vhallamni ani mellot tea zageancher uddoitat. Kaim zagear udkachea vhallamni ko-chro xirkun udok santtun urta ani udok kusta. Hantum magir zollari zolmotat. Heo zollari malaria ani pidda xim-pddaitat. Oxi malaria zora-chi pidda Gõyant lagot asa. Toxench dengue ani chi-kungunya porian laglolea-chi fattlea disamni khobro ail’leo. Ami nitollkai samball’li zalear bholaiki amchi bori urtoli.
Sebastiao F., Batim.
Tuji Vatt Polletana
Tuji vatt pollet
Suria zaun ravlom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Kupanchea pottant sanddlo hanv.
Tuji vatt pollet
Chondrim zaun chok-choklom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Lojen kupamni liplom hanv.
Tuji vatt pollet
Lhar zaun boslom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Udok xinvraunk visorlom hanv.
Tuji vatt pollet
Ful zaun boslom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Pormolluch diunk visorlom hanv.
Tuji vatt pollet
Pisollem zaun uddlom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Bhagechi vattuch visorlom hanv.
Tuzo mog jikhunk
Sogllem zalom hanv
Punn kitem faido?
Xekim ‘hanvuch zaunk visorlom hanv’.
Milton Rodrigues
“ I Remember You…”
School days, though over, yet afresh in my mind,
All you cheerful guys, hardly to find.
Cherished each pretty moments of togetherness,
And blossomed our life to the fullness!
Though afar, yet closer to my sight,
Never to be forgotten, the days we shared by.
The special touch of loving, caring and unity,
Spared out all the evil and enmity.
On the benches, right under the teacher's nose,
Enjoyed Bio, Chemistry, Physics & Maths as it goes.
Eagerly waiting, the echoing electric bell to be heard,
Bid the lecturer and then for the fun we would disperse.
The gone by laboratory days of cutting and wiring,
Played with the current, Anions & Cations.
Fright by the skull, continued to work hard,
Dissected the leaves and experimented its parts.
Although Teachers' often onboard,
Sometimes behind the benches all the fun.
Turned the class into rock club, eventually graveyard,
All these memories, to be deleted very hard.
Special friends leaves an imprint in our hear,
That brightens each seconds in the dark.
Wonderful creation, God's powerful imagination,
A friendly world to experience, all free of tension.
All that I want to let you know guys
How much I remember you Agnelites!!!
Darrell Fernandes,
Pre-Novice, Pilar
Familimni Ekvott gorjecho
Atanchem jivit sarkench vegllem zalam, amche modlem bhokti jivit adle porim atam disona. Bhurgeam lagim vell sarunk avoi-bapaik fursot mellona. Kiteak avoi-bapui aplea kamak vetat zalear bhurgim aplea iskolak vo kolejik vetat. Dekun bhurgim magir hache-tache lagim vochun vaitt margar pavtat. Hachem karonn, ghorant ekvott ghott asunk gorjechem. Avoi-bapain apnnak tankona porian zalear khoinchean-ui vell kuxin dovrun aplea bhurgeank diunk zai. Tankam gorjecheo vostuch dilear zaina, tankam borem xist xikovpachem asta. Hem atanchea kallar unnem zait veta. Tanchem xikop koxem zata, tim kitem kortat, koxim vagtat hem sogllem polleunk avoi-bapaichi vhoddli zababdari. Hi zababdari avoi- bapain bhov fikirin pallunk zai. Tednach bhurgim borim zaunk pavtolim mhonn bhorvanso asa.
Natividade de Sa, Kankona
Kochreachea proxnak konn zababdar?
Gõyant aiz kochreacho proxn boreach nettan cholta. Aiz lok kochreachea proxnak lagun sorkaracho guneanv kortat, tache add uloitat ani morcha kaddun rostear ietat. Punn ho aplo kochro koso poisauncho, tacho vilo koso launcho hacher mat ek zomat ghevn vichar korpak kednach chintinant. Apnna udexim toyar zalolea kochreak fokot sorkaruch zababdar zalolea pormannem vagtat. Aiz tor dor eka mon’xan, ani kherit bhaxen kochreachea prox-nachi oddchonn zatoleamni ekttaim yeun kochrea vixim aplea hatant aslolo upai ghetlolo zalear kai borem zatolem aslem! Utt’ta-bosta sorkarak bottam dakoun guneanvkar korop hem sarkem nhoi. Barik ami ievjilear, Gõykarank nitollsannichem mon ani mhotv na mhunn kollun ieta. Amche sorbhonvtim pollelear, bhou korun mukhel xaramni ami koso-kat kochro kortanv tem ugteponnim disun ieta. Ami ugtea zagear kitem-i khatanv, ani kochro khuimsor-ui birkaun martanv, ani ami amchench vatavoronn mhellem kortanv.
Delfina Dias, Verna
Gõyant gunddagiri vaddta
Gõyant amchea gunddagirinchem raj vaddot asa. Sotak ani nitik zago zago na oxem dista. Je monis sotan cholunk sodinant te monis danddea-gunddeanchem boll vaprun aplem khorem korunk vavurtat. Halinchea vorsamni ghatki kortubam ani marop chodd zata. Chuki zatat mhonn marun boddoun ghatkeponn korun sot ani nit kednach mellum nozo. Oslim kortubam amche rajkoronnantlea mon’xamni suru keleant mhonnlear hanv chukchonam. Chuki zatat teo nittayer ghalpak zaite bore upai asat. Atanchea kallar svatank lagun pachayatincheo zomati zatat tednam kitli zobordosti cholta tem ami pollelam. Somjikai gheun vostu tharear ghalpak zainaslolea porim vagtat. Dekun ganvamni zhogddim ani dusmankayo vaddot asat. Oslem kitem vankddem ubzota tednam ganvantlea somjikayechea mon’xamni fuddem sorun xanti-somadan korunk vavurlear motte proxn mhonn somzotat te legun suttave zaunk xoktole.
Xavier Fernandes,
Nanvachem odhivexon?
Fattlea satolleant Gõy Vidhan Sobhechem bhou thoddea disank odhivexon (session) zalem tem vichitruch dislem. Tem odhivexon korunk zai mhunn kelam oxem dista. Tantum koslich gombhirtai disunk na. Hachevelean, sorkarak porjechea boreponnachem kitlem poddlam, ani porjechea boreponna vixim chgintunk tankam kitlo vell asa tem disun ieta. Amche udorgoti khatir ami amchim moladik motam ghalun sorkarak vinchun kaddtanv, ani jea kama khatir ami sorkarak vinchun kaddla to amche hetu visorla.
Caetano Fernandes, Tilamol
Kochro, plastik poteo udkant kiteak?
Gõycho lok adim khup nitollkai samballtalo, punn atam jivituch veglle vatten-tlean cholta mhonnchem poddta. Lokan atam flettamni ravpachem kelam ani aplea ghoramni kochro zata to haddun vhallamni ani mellot tea zageancher uddoitat. Kaim zagear udkachea vhallamni ko-chro xirkun udok santtun urta ani udok kusta. Hantum magir zollari zolmotat. Heo zollari malaria ani pidda xim-pddaitat. Oxi malaria zora-chi pidda Gõyant lagot asa. Toxench dengue ani chi-kungunya porian laglolea-chi fattlea disamni khobro ail’leo. Ami nitollkai samball’li zalear bholaiki amchi bori urtoli.
Sebastiao F., Batim.
Tuji Vatt Polletana
Tuji vatt pollet
Suria zaun ravlom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Kupanchea pottant sanddlo hanv.
Tuji vatt pollet
Chondrim zaun chok-choklom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Lojen kupamni liplom hanv.
Tuji vatt pollet
Lhar zaun boslom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Udok xinvraunk visorlom hanv.
Tuji vatt pollet
Ful zaun boslom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Pormolluch diunk visorlom hanv.
Tuji vatt pollet
Pisollem zaun uddlom hanv
Punn jednam tum ailem
Bhagechi vattuch visorlom hanv.
Tuzo mog jikhunk
Sogllem zalom hanv
Punn kitem faido?
Xekim ‘hanvuch zaunk visorlom hanv’.
Milton Rodrigues
“ I Remember You…”
School days, though over, yet afresh in my mind,
All you cheerful guys, hardly to find.
Cherished each pretty moments of togetherness,
And blossomed our life to the fullness!
Though afar, yet closer to my sight,
Never to be forgotten, the days we shared by.
The special touch of loving, caring and unity,
Spared out all the evil and enmity.
On the benches, right under the teacher's nose,
Enjoyed Bio, Chemistry, Physics & Maths as it goes.
Eagerly waiting, the echoing electric bell to be heard,
Bid the lecturer and then for the fun we would disperse.
The gone by laboratory days of cutting and wiring,
Played with the current, Anions & Cations.
Fright by the skull, continued to work hard,
Dissected the leaves and experimented its parts.
Although Teachers' often onboard,
Sometimes behind the benches all the fun.
Turned the class into rock club, eventually graveyard,
All these memories, to be deleted very hard.
Special friends leaves an imprint in our hear,
That brightens each seconds in the dark.
Wonderful creation, God's powerful imagination,
A friendly world to experience, all free of tension.
All that I want to let you know guys
How much I remember you Agnelites!!!
Darrell Fernandes,
Pre-Novice, Pilar
Yusuf Shaikh bags Antonio Pereira Konkani Puroskar 2008

pratap naik
THOMAS STEPHENS KONKNNI KENDR B. B. Borkar Road ,Alto Porvorim– 403 521, GOA, India
( (0832) 2415857, 2415864
February 06, 2008
For the first time in the last 18 years of the prestigious Antonio Pereira Konknni Puroskar (APKP) a person from the audiovisual media, and from the Muslim community of Goa has been selected by Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK). Mr. Yusuf Sheikh, the former Station Director of Doordarshan, Shillong bags APKP of 2008. He has been selected for this award for his contribution to Konknni through audiovisual media and for Konknni literature especially poetry.
Born on 01 August 1948, Mr Yusuf Sheikh hails from the Muslim community of Goa. He has done his M.Sc. from University of Bombay in 1973. He started to serve Konknni in 1966 with the composition of poems and writing short stories. During his college days he aggressively participated in the Konknni language movement and started Konknni Sonvskrutik Mandal in 1968. Yusuf was one of those who lit the Konknni torch and led the movement initiated in mid seventies by Gurunath Kelekar with an inspiring slogan: "Konknni Uloy, Konknni Boroy, Konknnintlean Sorkar Choloy." He started contributing Konknni articles to Devanagari and Roman script periodicals. Later, during his posting at All India Radio, Mangalore from 1984 to 1991 he learnt the Kannada script and contributed to Konknni periodicals in Kannada script.
He has the experience of working in different capacities like Casual Announcer, Production Assistant, Transmission Executive, Programme Executive and in various linguistic zones in different parts of our country like Karnataka, Meghalaya, Assam and Goa. He has worked as an Assistant Station Director at All India Radio, and Doordarshan Kendra, Panaji.
He has two books to his credit, besides he has done Konknni translation of 30th chapter of the Koran. Two of his books will be published in the near future namely, ˜Basics of Television Journalism" and ˜Amcheo Porbo ani Mhotvache Dis" (Feasts and festivals). Some of his literary works are included in anthologies published by National Sahitya Akademi. Some of his poems are also included in Konknni textbooks. Besides this he has contributed articles, short stories, poems, literary criticism, etc to various leading periodicals in Goa irrespective of their language and script. He also contributed Konknni articles to Kannada script periodicals. His poems, short stories, talks, etc are broadcast from All India Radio, Panaji, Mumbai, and Mangalore, and also telecast from Doordarshan Kendra, Panaji.
He was associated with several institutions and bodies such as Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi; Akhil Bharatiya Konkani Parishad; and Goan Poet Circle in different important designations.
He has received Akashwani Award for his documentary in Konknni "Poder". He is recipient of Goa Kala Akademi's Sahitya Puroskar, Konkani Bhasha Mandal award for his book ˜Gantthi" and he was awarded by Goa Writers' Circle for his short story "Uzvatintlea Dhunvrantlean".
He has actively participated in various seminars and workshops in Goa, and outside Goa. He was the first Goan to be appointed by UPSC in 1980 as the Programme Executive for Konknni in All India Radio and of being the first Goan to occupy the rank of Station Director of Doordarshan.
Apart from these contributions and achievements, a number of his songs have been set to music and regularly broadcast by All India Radio Panaji, Mangalore, and Mumbai. A few songs have been attractively illustrated and telecast.
This multi-faceted Konknni man, and the pride of the Muslim community of Goa, will receive APKP award from the Archbishop of Goa, Filipe Neri Ferrao on March 28, 2008 at the closing function of TSKK Silver Jubilee Year to be held at Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Porvorim. This function is open to the public.
Pratap Naik, sj
PORVORIM: The closing ceremony of the Silver Jubilee Year of Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK) will be held during a public function at TSKK premises on 28 March at 5.25 sharp. During this function Fr Antonio Pereira Konknni Puroskar will be conferred on Mr. Yusuf Sheikh the 18th recipient of this puroskar at the hands of Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrão, who will also felicitation of Eric Ozario. Eric Ozario is the Gurkar of Mandd Sobhann and the President of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy. He was responsible to introduce Konknni in Kannada script as one of the subjects in Karnataka schools and recently lead Konknni to enter the Guinness Book of World Records.
Premanand Lotlikar, President of Dalgado Konknni Akademi, Purnanand Chari, President of Konknni Bhasha Mandal, Margão and Wilson Mazarello convenor of Roman Lipi Action Front and Fr Anthony da Silva, S.J.the Jesuit Provincial of Goa Province, will be other guests of honour.
TSKK in collaboration with Mandd Sobhann, Mangalore has published 3 volumes of devotional songs audio cassettes and CDs entitled ‘Bhakti Sobhann’. Lyrics for these devotional songs in these cassettes were written by Fr. Pratap Naik, S.J. The book of these lyrics will be published by TSKK in collaboration with Michael Gracias of Queenie Productions, Velsão. Eric Ozario will release this book during the function.
The Konknni Martir Floriano Vaz Puroskar for the year 2007 will be conferred on Daniel F. de Souza for his Konknni book in Roman script ‘Koslich Malis Nastana’ by Wilson Mazarello. The award consists of a memento and cash Rs. 5,000/-.
As a part of rendering service and working for the promotion of Konknni Language TSKK has never missed an opportunity, to help the needy and efficient students a few years back TSKK started giving scholarships. TSKK benefactors has sponsored a scholarship of Rs. 1,800/- in the name of ‘Lourenço Umbelina Scholarship’ which goes to Miss Concy Fernandes from Vasco this year. This scholarship will be given to her on 28 March at the hands of Premanand Lotlikar.
Young Chico and his group will sing Konknni Film Songs. The function will start sharp at 5. 25 pm at TSKK premises and it is open for the public.
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